AutoRunWhenLogonToWindows DWORD 0
FirstRun DWORD 1
MinimizeWindowToNotificationArea DWORD 1
AutoOpenMainWindowWhenStartup DWORD 1
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When we deployed Lync 2013 as part of Office 2013, Lync did not auto load by default. We actually had the opposite problem where we wanted it to, but had to come up with a solution to force it. - rschauer 10 years ago
thanks. - paul.gurusinghe 10 years ago
P.S. ignore $SWI folder - EmanuelPopescu 10 years ago
If I wanted to disable Lync autostart why would I set the second and fourth recommended entries to 1? I wouldn't want FirstRun or the main window to appear. If Lync was set to not autostart these settings wouldn't be needed anyway, correct?
These recommended settings have no impact on Lync autostart from my testing.
Can someone please explain?
Removing it from the run line in the registry does work manually but my issue revolves around getting it removed BEFORE the user logs on for the first time. I tried a GPP to remove the entry but Lync.exe launches on first logon before the GPP is applied so it takes a second logon that does not meet my requirements.
Thanks - mniccum 9 years ago
Same method works for Lync 2016 (skype for business) ofcourse then reg key is HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync
For me this was working :) - wpi 8 years ago