
Do you want to store your WIM's externally with k2000 v3.5 like we did with 3.4?

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I have a blog about storing wims externally with the 3.4 kbox.


I have been reapplyed the patch 3.4 wim package to my 3.5 box and it worked fine till I informed Kace I was doing this.  Mysteriously now the capture wim button keeps disappearing from the imaging menu overnight every couple of days ever since I told the Kace Engineers about my by pass.  Well I got tired of having to reapply the .bin file so I found a new method. 

I found the easy solution for this.  If you installed the native imaging kits to your 3.4 box the .hta file to do the work is still there it just does not show on the imaging window.

If you want to use the external method:

Confirm the k2000 still has the needed file.  Go to \\ikbox\peinst\hta and see if you still have the file capture_wim.hta.

If that exists:

boot with your external net use mappings like in the old blog

from the main menu choose recovery and then choose command prompt

enter y:\hta\capture_wim.hta and the capture box will pop up.  Fill it in like you did in 3.4 and go for it.


  • Great workaround, hope they don't remove that file in future updates! Just to add to this, if you look at the html of the imaging page, it is scripted to look for the "disable_capture.txt" file in the hta folder. The presence of that file is what keeps the Capture option from appearing on my RSAs. With the 3.4 KNIT the file was removed on the RSAs, but 3.5 brought it back. Very sad, and for no good reason in my opinion.

    Let us capture natively to the RSAs please, KACE! - nheyne 11 years ago
  • http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82717-k2000/suggestions/3038498-make-windows-share-imaging-hack-a-standard-feature - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
    • you could put that line in the custom boot to call y: also, but if that file gets deleted your boot no longer works.

      I know of one person who had this file removed when they were tethered to it. They had to flush his peinst files and reapply the update so his file went away. He did not want to reapply the knit to version3.5 k2000 fearing it would create a problem. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Just for general information. KACE Engineers didn't do anything to stop the process, or change what happens once you notified them of what you are doing. In fact, I'm the K2 L3 Lead Engineer, and this is the first I've heard of it. The "issue" you are seeing, where it disappears, is actually very easy to explain. There are certain processes on the K2 that run that will "apply templates." It is the running of this process, applying templates, that overwrites your update.
    A workaround would be to grab that file when it is there and copy it to petemp. Then in kbe, you can run the file by accessing T:
    However, I do not recommend that you apply the update to 3.5, this does overwrite the built in ability to capture a wim integrated into the k2.

    Lead L3 Enterprise Solutions Consultant, K2000
    If my response was helpful, please rate it! - cserrins 11 years ago
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