
Exclusion List for AdminStudio

Exclusion List

How do I fill my Exclusion List ( isrepackager.ini)


  1. Start VMware Clean Machine
  2. Repack.exe - Snapshot method - multiple step - initial step
  3. let de machine run for  10 minutes idle then  start:
    1. Notepad
    2. Internet Explorer
    3. Windows Media Player
    4. Other apps if not relevant for most applications
    5. reboot!
  4. let the machine run idle for 10 minutes again.
  5. Run the Repack.exe and make the 2nd snapshot.
  6. Save the result
  7. Close  VMware

Add Registry en Files to your  exclusionlist

You will need to abtain a special VBScript that “chops” the registry info in readable lines

  1. Drap ‘n drop  the  .NIR file onto the VBScript  
  2. Analyse the generated TEXT file and decide if you want to use more wildcards. Do not keep any UNIQUE info in your registry which can change on other machines  / moments in your repackaging time.
  3. Add the lines to the  " ISRepackager.ini" file ( NOTE:  Make a backup of your exclusionlist and remark every addition with name and Date
  4. Keep the ISRepackager.ini open.
  5. Open the  INC file and analyse the lines for the Files  and add the locations  ( between the ' ...'  ) in the ISRepackager.ini Do not exclude information that is already in the exclusionlist. ( this will INCLUDE that info) and be sure to use wildcards  “ * ” whenever there is specific information involved.
  6. done
  7. Test the results by refreshing the Repackager to see the new exclusions. 


VBScript: ( cut and paste in notepad)

ARGS = Wscript.Arguments.Count

' Make sure we have a good command line
If ARGS > 0 Then if InStr(1, Wscript.Arguments(0), "?", vbTextcompare) > 0 Then argCount = 0
If ARGS = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "This script will convert a registry export into a Repackager.INI insert" &_
vbLf & "The argument is the path to a REGEDIT4 format .REG file"
Wscript.Quit 1
End If

' Create input and output files using the File System Object
Set fIn = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fsoInFile = fIn.OpenTextFile( Wscript.Arguments(0), 1 )
Set fOut = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Set fsoOutFile = fOut.OpenTextFile( Wscript.Arguments(0) & ".TXT", 2, True )


' A better version of this would be able to read REGEDIT v5 files
InLine = fsoInFile.ReadLine
If InLine <> "REGEDIT4" Then
MsgBox "This VBScript cannot handle Regedit v5 UNICODE files" &_
vbLf & "Please export the keys as 'Regedit 4' format and retry"
On Error Resume Next
Do Until InLine = "[]"
If (Left(InLine,1)="[") Then
OutLine = Mid(InLine,2,Len(InLine)-2) & "=*"
fsoOutFile.WriteLine OutLine
End If
InLine = fsoInFile.ReadLine
If (Err.Number = 62) Then
Exit Do
End If
End If

' Clean up the file handles and objects
Set fOut = Nothing
Set fIn = Nothing


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