Problem: you need to be sure all hard disks on your systems are ok but you don't have a health monitoring system in place.
Microsoft does not have the right software in place, so you need to improvize.
Under Linux you simply use a smartctl -H to get all informations, so simply do it like that.
My test env does only have x64 capable physical systems, so I only use x64 OS. If you use x32 OS, you need to modify it a little bit.
1. Download the smartmontools for Windows here:
2. create a distribution to install the tools silently: "smartmontools-win-6.2-1.exe /silent"
2a. if you want also to create an automatic email with the errors (which should not be nessesary as we have the info inside the KBox, so we can use reporting to get an overview) you could also use -f for sourcemailaddress, -t for destination and -s for the smtp-server)
3. create a custom inventory rule: ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\smartmontools for Windows\bin\smartctl" -H /dev/sda|findstr result)
With smartctl you can also read out many other stuff out of the hard disk, even behind most of the raid controllers.