
How To Choose A Packaging Solution

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iWqBbQ.jpegApplication packaging is defined here as the creation of a deployment package. This could mean repackaging a vendor provided setup in order to create a customized silent deployment. However, it could also mean wrapping a package in a virtual layer for distribution purposes. One thing all application packaging products (and application packaging features) provide, is a means to create a deployment package intended for internal corporate distribution. Most packaging projects are centered around the deployment of new systems or operating systems. However, depending on the organization, packaging could be something that takes several months to complete, or it can be an ongoing task as new and updated applications may be regularly required.

Some vendors will try to differentiate and put their own spin on certain features to stand out. Other vendors may offer the bare minimum to address the need. Therefore, it is clearly not enough to “check the box” when it comes to making your product selection. However, it is a great exercise to consider the features and functions you really care about so you can focus on those and avoid being distracted by capabilities you don’t care about. Once the tools you should consider have been paired down to just a couple products based on features, ease of use, support, cost, etc. then will be the time to compare who does a better job when it comes to the aspects of the solution that really matter to you.

AppDetails offers free help worth exploiting. Make your list of features you care about, then prioritize them. Along with your budget, this prioritized list of features will allow AppDetails to use it’s deep knowledge of the market to help you identify a couple of products for consideration. It’s always nice to have two, or maybe three, choices for consideration so you can focus on them, watch videos, play with demos, and confirm your choice as the solution that best meets the needs of your organization.

Here you will find links to a list of features that may exist for any given Repackaging solution. Start digging through and building the list of features you care about most. Perhaps they all sound great? That’s where prioritizing the list gets valuable. Once you have a list of features you are after, send it to AppDetails to match your interests with the best candidates. 


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