Due to the recent security concerns, I was tasked with finding users that were using Zoom on their laptops.
Unfortunately, we were unable to utilize Software Inventory, since the program doesn't always install locally on a system.
Zoom places zoom.exe in this location c:\users\**someuser**\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\zoom.exe
So I utilized KACE's custom inventory to search the location w/out specifying the user. This method returns the path of any user that has zoom.exe installed.
You can use this script to check for any file in the users directory.
ShellCommandTextReturn(CMD /q /c for /d %u in (\Users\*) do (if exist %u\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\zoom.exe echo %u))
In anycase, use the cleanzoom.exe utility to completely remove zoom. It might even be run without zoom installed, I expect. Test it and see!
https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360033082431/CleanZoom.exe - rlyman 4 years ago