Where I work we use labels with associated LDAP labels to choose machines and users on which to perform actions. During testing of various LDAP lookups, and the fact that when we obsolete computers we don't let them check in one final time, over time the labels end up acquiring machines that shouldn't be there. For example, while attempting to learn how to make an LDAP lookup for computers and users I ended up with 442 computers in labels that should have had 10 or less. Not good!
The problem comes because we have a lot of machines that aren't on all the time, or are permanently offline. Even if I correct the LDAP label the machines that aren't on will not get removed from the label because they never check in. There are two ways I've found, with the help of Support, to deal with this. The first, which they gave me, is to delete machines individually from the group. You can do this by the following procedure:
- Go to Inventory, look up the machine, and click it to open its details.
- Scroll down to Activities, and then open Labels, then click the Manage Associated Labels button.
- Remove the label and save.
- Wait until the page refreshes (30-60 seconds).
If there are a LOT of computers you have to remove from a label then this is not a time-efficient task. The solution is to delete and recreate the label. Ready? Here we go.
How to Rebuild a Kace Label
- Open four tabs or four web browser pages, log in to the K1000 on each tab/page, and go to the following locations (one per tab/page): Labels, LDAP Labels, Inventory, and Scripts
- Create a Test label.
- Examine the label and note any scripts that are assigned to it and whether an LDAP label is assigned to it.
Assign the associated LDAP label to the Test label.
Go to Inventory, Devices, and use the View By, Label, and choose the label.
Select all the devices, then click the Choose Action drop-down and click on “Remove Labels”.
Select the label (there may be more than one, only remove this one) you wish to remove, then click the Remove Labels button.
If any scripts are assigned to the label, go to scripts, find the script associated with the label and remove the label from it – then wait a minute for the database to catch up.
Delete the label.
Recreate the label.
Go to the Test LDAP label and assign it to the recreated label.
Re-assign the label to the script.
Comments and questions welcome.