
How to package Adobe Photoshop Elements

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1. Delete Desktop Shortcut
2. Remove the custom action for Launch Condition "Install [ProductName] by using the Setup.exe in the root folder."
3. Include "Elements.ini" to suppress select country window that will appear after launch of shortcut.
4. Change property AgreeToLicense No to Yes
5. Change property ACCEPTEDEULA 0 to 1
6.Change property  DISABLEOLSFEATURES 0 to 1
7. Change property DISABLEEMSFEATURES 0 to 1
8. Step to suppress EULA,Registration,Updates:

Create "application.xml.override" file and place in Adobe folder with the following contents.
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Data key="EULA">Suppress</Data>
            <Data key="Serial" protected="0">xxx--yyy--zzz </Data>
            <Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>
            <Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>


  • Hey Everyone,

    try this to silently INSTALL and UNINSTALL. (NOTE: Pretty sure this works with 2020/2022/2023)

    To install:

    .\PhotoshopElements_2022.exe --silent=1 --lang=en_US (whatever you want)

    .\PremiereElements_2022.exe --silent=1 --lang=en_US (whatever you want)
    To uninstall

    Go to either: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall OR HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
    Find your Elements Package and Locate the Uninstall String it should show something like this. (Adobe Photoshop Elements 2022)
    UninstallString : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\HDBox\Uninstaller.exe" --uninstall=1 --sapCode=PSE --productVersion=20.4 --productPlatform=win64 --productAdobeCode={PSE-20.4-64-ADBEADBEADBEADBEADBEADBE} --isNonCCProduct=true --productName="Adobe Photoshop Elements 2022" --mode=4

    Instead of using the Uninstaller.exe which doesn't accept certain switches do this: (SWAP out the codexVersion productPlatform & sapCode & deleteUserPreferences) Remember PSE = Photoshop Elements / PRE = Premiere Elements
    Photoshop Elements 2022

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\HDBox\Set-up.exe" --silent=1 --uninstall=1 --sapCode=PSE --codexVersion=20.4 --productPlatform=win64 --deleteUserPreferences=true

    Premiere Elements 2022

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\HDBox\Set-up.exe" --silent=1 --uninstall=1 --sapCode=PSE --codexVersion=20.4 --productPlatform=win64 --deleteUserPreferences=true

    Have a great day - Jasondxe 2 years ago
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