
Involving the business in your Windows 7 migration

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Last week I sat down with a customer who recently completed their Windows 7 Migration to discuss what worked well for them. In their case, they had close to 400 applications that needed to be migrated. One of their primary concerns was getting cooperation from each of the lines of business. In an effort to assist the business units as much as possible and keep them from being a bottleneck during the migration process, they decided to provide each with as much information on their portfolio as possible. The IT group would then ask them to make their rationalization decisions based in part on that intelligence. The benefit here was that the decision makers were given all of the compatibility and support information on their applications at once, so that the bulk of their rationalization decisions could be made quickly. This reduced the amount of resource time that they needed to commit on their side, making timely participation more likely. By actively involving the business units early on, and by providing them with useful intelligence on their portfolios, this customer created a successful partnership that helped deliver the timely migration that they needed.

Learn more about how AppRx can help you accelerate your Windows 7 migration


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