
K1000 Custom Inventory Rule to detect pending failure of Windows hard drives

First, start off with the following CI rule:

Title: Hard Drive Failure Prediction Alert (SMART)

ShellCommandTextReturn(wmic /namespace:\\root\wmi path MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictStatus where PredictFailure!=FALSE get PredictFailure)

Then you will want to create a Computer Notification to look for the field containing TRUE.


  • How does this work? I created a CI Rule and than the notification, but I assume we have to create a software distro to deploy this? But there isn't an application that goes along with it, so i'm not sure how it gets deployed? And does this really work? I see no comments on a thread here that could really help predict hard drive failure. Thanks - glennvelsol 10 years ago
  • Works great! - tsalmi123 9 years ago
  • I just got this to work. But I don't understand how '=' is the right operator, since that wmi command outputs a "PredictFailure" header text as well as "FALSE" or "TRUE", so I used the operator 'contains'. You don't have to distribute a rule. It goes out automatically to all the devices. - js2010 8 years ago
    • TBH, I don't recall, but when I was doing design/test, that gave the result needed to trigger an email alert. - scottlutz 8 years ago
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