
KACE Cloud MDM - Q4CY20 Update 1 Release

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KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager

We are excited to announce our most recent updates to KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager!

What’s New

Our October release is all about improved performance. Though not visible in the UI, there are several backend improvements going live, which include:

Shorter Maintenance Windows

We’ve upgraded our deployment process to ensure shorter maintenance windows during product upgrades.

Background Location Access Permission

Admins can now control the background location access permission for apps in Android 10+.

iOS Commands

Admins can now send an unenroll or wakeup command to an iOS device in an unenrolling state—additional functionality that gives an admin more active control.

Help Center Videos

Our video library has been split into smaller sections by category to make finding what you need easier. The revised video section also includes a table of contents for faster navigation.

For more information, please visit the KACE Cloud MDM Help Center, where you can also find the full set of Release Notes, which includes a recent list of bug fixes.

Be sure to check out the KACE Cloud MDM Product Support page to find knowledge base articles, notifications, video tutorials, and a product user forum.


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