
KACE: Issues distributing office 2007 Pro and Standard

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I recently tried to deploy office 2007 standard and professional within Kace. I discovered while I could find files that are in pro but not standard I could not find files that were in standard and not pro.

This created a challenge when creating the custom inventory rule.

After days of searching I finally decided to do a install capture of both so I could compare the 2 and see if I could find a difference.

I ended up finding 1 registry key that is specific 2 the version.

Here are my custom inventory rules:

Office 2007 Standard - RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Patches\37BF35D1628914542B0E2A936CBE7A81\SourceList\Media, DiskPrompt, Microsoft Office Standard 2007)

Office 2007 Professional - RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Patches\37BF35D1628914542B0E2A936CBE7A81\SourceList\Media, DiskPrompt, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007)

I hope this saves someone else from the trouble it caused me.


  • Looks like it works for 2010 as well under this key:


    You might also be able to use something like this:


    According to the article below, the "002A" should equate to 2010 Professional Plus if it follows the same convention as Project.
    http://blogs.msdn.com/b/brismith/archive/2010/09/16/how-to-determine-if-you-have-project-standard-or-project-professional.aspx - jknox 12 years ago
  • unfortunately it appears this no longer works. After windows updates none of the machines have the key anymore. Time to find new keys to determine the difference between 2007 standard and 2007 professional. - ohiosoundguy 11 years ago
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