
[Konf 2011] 100% Windows 7 Deployment Automation

For those of you who were at the Konference, you may have seen my presentation on Windows 7 automation that uses several methods to achieve total automation for the end user experience. For those of you who missed it or who didn't attend the Konference, here is the presentation:

100% Windows 7 Deployment Automation

I will be adding code examples to this post soon, but I at least wanted to make the presentation available. I will also post a link to the video of my presentation if and when it becomes available on the DellKACE website.

For the following examples, much of the code is written in AutoIT. If you are unfamiliar with AutoIT, head over to www.autoitscript.com and download the free IDE and compiler. Also, I wrote an O'Reilly book back in 2007 that is available on Amazon for $7.99 that gives you a basic start with the language. Now, here is the example list. This will be growing.


  • Is there any updates to this post including the video presentation? - bens401 9 years ago
    • I became a Dell KACE employee about 3 months after I posted this, and I now work exclusively on the K1000. I haven't made any further developments on this since, but I will work on relocating the source code since the original site is no longer available. - airwolf 9 years ago
      • That's awesome! - bens401 9 years ago
      • The files have been relocated, and the links in the original post have been modified accordingly. Enjoy! - airwolf 9 years ago
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