
Looking for freelance packaging job

Average Rating: 3 based on 1 votes--------------------


I'm currently looking for freelance job as packager, my 1,5+ packaging experience includes:

> Installation script development (VBScript, AutoIT, InstallShield, Inno Setup automation),

> Creation of MSI packages using Wise Package Studio, Orca, InstEdit,

> Windows Server AD, SCCM, VMware Workstation, Sun Virtualbox, Citrix XenServer,

> Troubleshooting, updating and maintenancing created packages,

> Working with Windows Client OS: Windows XP (both 32 and 64 bits), Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services, Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services,

Please, PM me for additional info.


  • Hello , how can i contact you , maild ???? - sachinpack 12 years ago
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