
MaSaI Installer Version 2.3 Released

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MaSaI Solutions announces the launch of MaSaI Installer 2.3


MaSaI Solutions has made a number of improvements to its fully-featured MSI packaging solution, MaSaI Installer. The software is now faster at creating packages and is more reliable than ever.

MaSaI Installer is the complete solution to your software installation needs. It is used widely by both developers creating setup programs and by administrators repackaging software using snapshot and monitoring techniques. It offers all the functionality and power of far more expensive and bulky suites, but at a price you can afford.

With MaSaI Installer, you'll save time and money by using advanced features such as :

- file compression, externally and internally;

- self extracting executables;

- CAB extraction from existing MSIs;

- COM registry conversion;

- snapshot, not only on your workstation, but any machine you can access, (no client install);

- drag and drop files and registry keys into your project.

MaSaI's MSI file editor displays installation components in a visually pleasing tree view.

Now you can equip yourself and your installation team with a state-of-the-art set of installation tools for only US$299 per developer, including free updates and unlimited support for a year.

So why wait before you step up to MaSaI Installer? Download your 30-day trial now - it's free!!



Feel free to forward this announcement on to your fellow professionals, and if you have any questions or suggestions about MaSaI Installer, be sure to check the MaSaI forums at http://www.masaisolutions.com/forum/index.php.

For large orders and reseller inquiries, contact Matthew Miller at sales@masaisolutions.com


Matthew Miller

MaSaI Solutions




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