What is Docx?
A .docx file is a Microsoft Word XML Format Document file, a sort of Microsoft Word document. beginning in Microsoft workplace 2007, .docx files became the default file kind. you will have noticed once you open older .doc files created in Word 2003, that they opened in "Compatibility Mode."
But sometimes the .Docx files are corrupt and it won’t open . And people sometimes faces many problems while they are recovering their files.
Here are some Ms word Docx recovery Methods which we can use to repair corrupt Docx files.
Method 1: Manual Method for repair corrupted word file.
· By rebuilding the header file:
Although each Word document is totally different, Word documents that are created by a standard version of Word have a standard file header. i can not tell you specifically what this header contains, as a result of it varies from one version of Word to following. What I will tell you is that if you employ a file editor to look at multiple best-known sensible Word documents, it'll quickly become apparent that bits every of the documents has in common.
Once you've got determined that a part of the file is that the header, you'll be able to copy the header bits from a better-known smart document and use the editor to paste those bits into your corrupt document, overwriting the present header within the method. If the header was the portion of the document that was damaged, this method can fix the query.
· By Word Text Converter:
You may even be able to recover the text portion of a document exploitation Word's text convertor. Click File | Open. once the Open dialog box seems, choose the troublesome Word document. Then, opt for Recover Text From Any File from the Files Of kind drop-down list and open the document.
This filter can import straight ASCII text from any file. you may lose Word formatting and nontext things like graphics, however you must at least be able to extract most of the text data from the file. Note that this methodology is restricted to documents within the Word 97-2003 format (not docx or dotx files).
Try running CHKDSK against the quantity containing the corrupted file. Your downside may be caused by corruption at the filing system level, and CHKDSK could also be able to fix the matter.
If nothing else, running CHKDSK permits you to check the integrity of the filing system, that permits you to see whether or not the matter exists at the classification system level or inside the document itself.
Method 2: Docx file recovery by Software Tools
· Zip2Fix:
Zip2fix recover files from broken zip files by merely extracting the nice ones then zipping it back to a new archive file appending _ZFX at the end of the file name. To use it, run the program, click on the Open button to find the broken ZIP/SFX file and it'll automatically begin scanning for the nice files accessible to repack.
Do note of the installation of adware throughout setup which may be avoided by unchecking the checkboxes.
· WinRAR:
WinRAR is able to repair zip and RAR format. Run WinRAR and choose the corrupted zip file from the file manager. Once the corrupted ZIP/RAR file is chosen, attend Tools and choose Repair archive.
The repaired file are going to be saved beneath a replacement file with “rebuilt.” appended to the front of the file name.
Conclusion: As we show we there are two methods to repair zip file. We can use either manual or software tool method to repair corrupt Docx file. We can use one more technique for MS word file recovery by using 3rd party tool. As a third party tool you can use Docx repair tool to recover your files.