
New Boundary Signs Agreement For New Patch Management Tools

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New Boundary Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce the selection of St. Bernard Software’s UpdateEXPERT® technology for inclusion in the Prism family of products. Prism Patch Manager will be released later this year to resolve system and application security problems by keeping software patch levels current. Patch management is critical to maintaining corporate network security and integrity in the current IT environment. With the frequency of patch releases, IT departments cannot afford to manually research, collect, and deploy all needed patches.


Patch Management Benefits:

Reduces patch deployment time, which is otherwise time-consuming and complex.

Patch security holes that make your network vulnerable.

Does the work for you. A patch management tool tells you which patches, hot fixes, and services packs are applicable and missing and lets you deploy them with ease.

Make informed decisions about which updates to deploy, since some patches supersede other patches, some combinations of patches must never be deployed, and some patches often have prerequisites before installation.


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