<# Notepad++\setup.ps1
Uninstalls previous versions of Notepad++, and installs latest version.
Errata: 7.1: - Uninstall not silent, using Purge function instead of Uninstall function - Plugin manager not available with x64 yet, sticking with x86
.\Notepad++\setup.ps1 .\Notepad++\setup\npp.7.1.Installer.x64.exe .\Notepad++\setup\npp.7.1.Installer.x86.exe
Sailer, Adam 2016.10.18 #>
## Global Variables $invoke = split-path -path $myinvocation.mycommand.path -parent $os = gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem $proc = gwmi Win32_Processor $whatIf = $false
Function KillApps { write-host "`n`n@@ Called KillApps" -fore Magenta
$array = get-process | ? { $_.Path -imatch 'notepad\+\+' } $array; $array | stop-process -force
dir $env:TEMP | remove-item -recurse -force -ea SilentlyContinue
Function Uninstall { Param([string]$inp) write-host "`n`n@@ Called Uninstall" -fore Magenta if (!$inp) { Return } $paths = @( 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall', 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' ) | ? { test-path $_ } dir $paths | gp | ? { $_.DisplayName -imatch $inp } | % { $item = $_ $item.UninstallString | ? { $_ } | % { $parent = (get-item $_).Directory $app = $_; $options = '/S' if ($_ -imatch 'msiexec') { $array = $_.Split(' {}') $app = $array[0]; $options = "/qn /x {$($array[2])} /norestart" } write-host "Uninstall : $($item.DisplayName) $($item.DisplayVersion)" write-host $options -fore DarkGray if (!$whatIf) { $process = start-process -FilePath $app -ArgumentList $options -Wait -Passthru $process.ExitCode | ? { $_ -ne 0 } | % { write $_; exit $_ } } } } }
Function Purge { write-host "`n`n@@ Called Purge" -fore Magenta $paths = @( "$env:ProgramFiles\Notepad++" ,"${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Notepad++" ,"$env:AppData\Notepad++" ,"$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Notepad++" ,"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notepad++" ,"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notepad++" ) | ? { test-path $_ } $paths | remove-item -recurse -force -verbose -whatIf:$whatIf -ea SilentlyContinue }
Function Setup { write-host "`n`n@@ Called Setup" -fore Magenta
$ident = 'x86' ## $ident = if ($proc.AddressWidth -eq 64) { 'x64' } else { 'x86' }
dir $invoke\setup -recurse -include *.exe | ? { $_ -imatch $ident } | % { $options = '/S' write-host "Setup : $($_.Name)" write-host $options -fore DarkGray if (!$whatIf) { $env:SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS = 1 $process = start-process -FilePath $_ -ArgumentList $options -Wait -Passthru remove-item env:\SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS $process.ExitCode $process.ExitCode | ? { $_ -ne 0 } | % { write $_; exit $_ } } } }
Function Perms { write-host "`n`n@@ Called Perms" -fore Magenta
$paths = @( "$env:ProgramFiles\Notepad++", "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Notepad++" ) | ? { test-path $_ }
dir $paths | ? { $_ -imatch 'plugins' } | % { cacls $_.FullName /T /E /C /G Users:C } }
# #
Clear KillApps ## Uninstall '^Notepad\+\+' Purge Setup Perms