
QuickTime Player 7.71 Silent Install

NOTE: This is tested on Windows 7

Here is my recipe for installing QuickTime Player 7.71:

Download the installer from Apple: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

Save the file to your computer

Extract the QuickTimeInstaller.exe to a folder

Open up the folder and find the contents of the .exe

Contents are as follows:

1) AppleApplicationSupport.msi

2) AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi

3) QuickTime.msi

4) QuickTimeInstallerAdmin.exe

DELETE: #2 & #4 and that will leave you with only:

* AppleApplicationSupport.msi

* QuickTime.msi

Open Notepad:

copy and paste the following between begin/end copy:

----begin copy----

msiexec /i AppleApplicationSupport.msi /qn

msiexec /i QuickTime.msi

del "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\QuickTime Player.lnk"

----end copy----

Save the file as QuickTime_Installer.bat in the same folder as the extracted .exe

Now then, when you want to install QuickTime, just right click on the QuickTime_Installer.bat and Run as Administrator


  • Thanks for this.
    You also have to add the switch /qn to "msiexec /i QuickTime.msc" to make it completely silent. I think you just forgot it.

    I took this and zipped all the files to quicktime.zip. I then uploaded/associated the quicktime.zip to the correct version of QuickTime. You can setup up a managed install to run QuickTime_installer.bat (configured manually). It installs silently at a push of a button. Hope this helps. - JSenesap 11 years ago
  • Thanks for this. Open Quicktime.msi in orca.

    1. Click new transform from Transform menu
    2. Component > QuickTimePlayerDesktopShortcuts change condition to DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS="0" tells the installer to not install desktop icon.
    3. Generate transform e.g. qt.mst
    4. When it comes to installing the quicktime.msi msiexec /i Quicktime.msi transform=qt.msi /qn - colaguy44 8 years ago
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