
Remote Software Installation Utility

I just wanted to let everyone know about some new tools for distribution of software packages and other stuff we all work with every day. Install Solutions has released a Remote Software Installation Utility for simply deploying packaged software to remote systems. Here are a couple of cool things about the application:

  • You don't need a client on the remote system! Just admin access.

  • You can kick off an installation either already on the remote system or copy and install from your workstation.

  • Asynchronous installation streams so you can deploy and install software on multiple systems at once!

  • Ability to export the results to Excel.

I have been working in software deployment for a while now and have had several times where I have had to use a home-made script for pushing out some update that my SMS systems didn't get. This is fast and reliable.

They also have some other cool utilities for querying systems remotely and exporting Active Directory information as well. Check it out.


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