
Script with MI to install Sentinel Agent via SMA and notify user.

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This script will install the Sentinel agent silently without restarting the device.

After the script completes the SMA script will send a notification to the user so he is aware that the installation completed and a reboot is required.

Step1 : Create a batch file in this case called RUN_WorstationsGroup.bat with the following code:


@pushd %~dp0

msiexec /i SentinelInstaller_64bitmsi /q /NORESTART SITE_TOKEN=xxxx



Step 2: Create a Managed installation from a test machine with the agent already installed.


Step3: Create a script that summons the MI with the custom arguments.

In the script task #1 install the agent package (Manage Install) with Install Args: RUN_WorkstationsGroup.bat



In task #2 Configure the user notification:



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