
Sysprep Creator Wizard

Endorsed by Nick The Ninja

Sysprep Creator Wizard is being depricated.  The wizard to create an unattend file has been added into the Systems Deployment Appliance version 8.1.  It includes added features, with more integration to come!

Sysprep Creator is designed to assist with the creation of unattend.xml answer files to be leveraged by Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.


      1. Launch Sysprep Creator
      2. You will be prompted with a UI, choose the OS and Architecture to build an unattend.xml.
      3. Another UI with a total of 8 tabs appears with settings, which will need to be populated.
      4. Choose where to save the unattend.xml and if selected in step 2 the sysprep executor.
      5. Copy the unattend.xml (and sysprep_executor.exe if selected) to the machine in which you wish to sysprep.

      Release Notes:
      Due to Windows permissions, if the unattend.xml file is located at the root of the “System Drive”,
      sysprep_executor.exe will not be able to cleanup/delete it. [02/13/2018]
      -Automatically disable Windows Defender
      -added a few more provisioned apps (BubbleSaga, DisneyMagicKingdoms)
      -fixed issue with upgrade version
      -removed MiracastView from provisioned apps as it could not be removed [01/03/2018]
      -Add additional provisioned apps to be removed prior to sysprep (ESMCS-360)
      -tiledatamodelsvc setting has changed in Windows 10 1709 update (ESMCS-259)
      -beginning with Windows 10, version 1607, sysprep can be used to prepare an image that has been upgraded (ESMCS-358)
      -cancelling dialog on saving unattend quits the application (ESMCS-356) [03/22/2017]

      -sysprep creator no longer uses templates, each XML file is built from scratch
      -added Czech Republic to Location and language choices (ESMCS-229)
      -added countless Time Zones
      -added the ability to set taskbar links based on https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff715544.aspx
      -added the ability to set OEM Information based on https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff716332.aspx
      -added some OOBE options
      -added IE options, based on https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff715726.aspx
      -added the ability to set a predetermined KMS key based on https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj612867.aspx
      -added checking or Candy Crush, Twitter, AdobePhotoshopExpress, EclipseManager, ActiproSoftwareLLC, PandoraMediaInc, MicrosoftPowerBIForWindows, Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest, Microsoft.Office.Sway, RoyalRevolt2, Minecraft, Facebook, ParadiseBay
       with the ability to remove them with executor prior to sysprepping (ESMCS-246)
      -fixed an issue with Spanish locale not being put in correctly (ESMCS-257)
      -moved installer to service.kace.com to avoid third paty site (ESMCS-261)
      -added check for Executor to check if tiledatamodelsvc running, if so, we set the service to disabled, and require a reboot. Upon running executor again, the service will be set to automatic, but not started
      -added ability to change Control Panel View and Icon Size
      -removed Network setting when building Windows 10 unattend as it is depricated
      -added ability to disable consumer feature from Windows 10 Enterprise
      -updated to check for KACE 7.0 agent
      -rebranded to Quest [02/03/2016]
      ****This update will need to be downloaded manually from http://www.scriptingninjas.com/scripts/sysprep_creator/sysprep_creator_installer.exe
      or click download and when it is completed, select 'No' for installing, this will copy the new installer to the desktop
      -fixed issue with update mechanism
      -fixed an issue in which a Windows 8 unattend was being produced instead of Windows 7 unattend. [01/16/2016]

      Windows 10 support
      Enlarged the UI
      Made UI look more like the K2000
      Added a warning if an unattend.xml file already exists in the location chosen to save
      Added a log file to %systemdrive%\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\Logs
      Sysprep Executor empties the recyle bin and cleans up previous logs/files and archives them in %systemdrive%\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\Logs
      Sysprep Executor Checklist - A checklist designed to make sure that System Imaging Best Practices are being followed according to
                      -The device should not be joined to a domain
                      -WMP Service should be disabled (query of WMPNetworkSvc Service)
                      -The Dell | KACE agent should not be installed
                      -No drive emulation application should exit on the device (Virtual Clonedrive, DAEMON Tools, Magic ISO)
                      -No antivirus can be detected
                              Checked via WMI
                      -VMWare Tools should not be installed
                      -Bitlocker can not be enabled
                              Checked via WMI, if protection status is set to 0 on they %systemdrive%
                      -No reboots can be pending
                              HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
                      -Rearm count has to be higher than 1
                              -See https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/f8c7833b-58f0-43b4-a93a-b1a1689ecaf5/created-windows-7-image-with-expired-sysprep-rearm-count?forum=w7itproinstall and http://blogs.technet.com/b/askcore/archive/2011/05/11/sysprep-skiprearm-and-image-build-best-practices.aspx for more information
                      -Valid source media must be detected (Not OEM or Retail)
                      -Machine should not be upgraded from a previous version of Windows
      If the machine has been upgraded, sysprep executor can only quit, it will not sysprep
      If the device has bitlocker is enabled, or antivirus is installed, the user must quit Executor and fix these issues manually
      If none of the above are an issue, but WMP Service is running, VMWare Tools is installed, or drive emulation software is installed, a fix it button will be active.
      If the Fix it button is used, the uninstaller will launch, but will require some interaction from the user to complete the uninstall. [03/06/2015]
      -Changed installer so that it only installs where the script is run.
      -Changed sysprep_executor shutdown/reboot options to radio buttons
      -Changed sysprep_executor so the the unattend file is moved to \windows\system32\sysprep directory.
      -Changed sysprep_executor to have the sysprep commandline run the shutdown or reboot command.
      -Changed sysprep_executor so that the GUI goes away when sysprep run.
      -fixed issue where sysprep_executor was not deleting itself.
      -fixed issue where autologon would not set correctly if anything other than 0-9 was selected.
      -added the option to delete sysprep_creator after completion so that it didn't have to remain on image.
      -New Installer with Check for Updates Feature
      -New Sysprep Executor Option
      -Windows 8 Support
      -Field Checking
      -Persistent Plug and Play Device Option
      -Windows Activation Option
      -Activation Rearm Option
      -Sysprep Unattend Cleanup Option
      Bug Fixes:
      Fixed Join Domain double quote issue
      Fixed International Time Zone issue


      • Awesome work! - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
      • Very nice, much better than the previous version. The password for the local admin account is stored in plain text, just as a note. - nheyne 11 years ago
        • There is no way to encrypt this using the Sysprep Creator Tool. However, you can open the unattend.xml file in WAIK and resave it (assuming Hide Sensitive Data is checked) and your passwords would then be encrypted. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
          • Good to know! Just wanted to make sure people knew about this in case they store the unattend.xml where people can see it. - nheyne 11 years ago
          • I know this is a really old post, but this doesn't seem to work for me. When I open my answer file that I created with the Tool, and save it with the "Mask Sensitive Data" checkbox checked, it doesn't mask anything.

            Ideas? - jgrotkier 8 years ago
      • If you use the new sysprep executor tool and select the cleanup option, then your all set. The file that is copied over the panther get encrypted automatically. - scriptingninja 11 years ago
      • Is it just me, but when I select the GMT+1 Timesone, I get this in the xml:
        <TimeZone>$timezone</TimeZone> $timezon should be "W. Europe Standard Time" I suppose?

        Best regards - adam_nerell 11 years ago
      • New version has been released and is available for download.

        Bug Fixes:
        Fixed Join Domain double quote issue
        Fixed International Time Zone issue - scriptingninja 11 years ago
      • Either the linked installer is pointing to the wrong version or the $timezone bug is still there.

        Best regards
        Adam - adam_nerell 11 years ago
        • Adam,

          What time zone did you try to define in your answer file? - scriptingninja 11 years ago
      • The link above was directed to version 3.0 for some reason even though we had updated the source, you should be able to download version 3.0.1 without issue now. - scriptingninja 11 years ago
      • Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but no, still in that location. Further more the auto update function is broken. :-)
        If you look past the fact that you've must of included a debug version with a lot of informative dialogs, the only thing that that one does is deleting the old one but faild to install the new one. (cause it's not at the http://www.scriptingninjas.com/scripts/sysprep_creator/sysprep_creator.exe URL...)
        No biggie, I can edit them by hand for now. (When you get around to fixing it, feel free to add sv-SE as a locale, lots of happy customers in Sweden you know...) ;-)

        Best regards
        Adam - adam_nerell 11 years ago
      • http://www.scriptingninjas.com/scripts/sysprep_creator/sysprep_creator_installer.exe

        Works... :-)

        Best regards
        Adam - adam_nerell 11 years ago
      • May you please add in the future releases the United Kingdom location as well?
        Thanks :-) - StockTrader 11 years ago
      • In the future would you please add "Canada" in the General Settings, under Location? - Che 11 years ago
      • After installing there is no Sysprep Creater.exe. The link is broken and even after running the updater, there is no exe. What am I missing? - danc@americantitleinc.com 11 years ago
      • Having issues with the installer. It seems to install be there is no Sysprep Creator.exe. The Link is broken. If I run the updater, same results. The updater seems to update but there is no Sysprep Creator.exe. - danc@americantitleinc.com 11 years ago
      • the download link seems to stri pthe '.exe' form the file. Rename 'sysprep_creator_installer' to 'sysprep_creator_installer.exe' and then it will work. run as the local admin on the box. - MacDude 11 years ago
      • Hi! Good job, it almost works fine! Have some "issues".
        1. Language is not set automatic under the installation, got a window at the end under the installation and I have to choose English or Swedish, and I want Swedish.

        2. Activation is not working. It said I have 30 days left.

        Thx for answer !

        Andreas - Swede 10 years ago
      • The download link doesn't seem to be working for me. Is there another way to download the sysprep creator wizard? - jbonnecroy 9 years ago
      • FYI, I downloaded this file on 1/30/2015. I had no problem with it, at the time, but now Symantec Endpoint Protection reports that it contains Trojan.Asprox.B Malware. - palmerEldritch 9 years ago
        • Can you please reach out to me via email at kent_feid@kace.com. I recompiled the scripts using a different form of compression and want to have to try it to see if it fixes the issue. Please put Sysprep Test in the subject line. - scriptingninja 9 years ago
      • Symantec has for some reason flagged this as malware however it is a false positive. I am in process of trying to recompile it using different compression in hopes that it will shut symantec up. Be assured that the file(s) are not infected and we are trying to solve the false positive issue in symantec environments. - scriptingninja 9 years ago
      • The download can be found at https://support.software.dell.com/download-install-detail/5831488. - Eddie_Seelke 9 years ago
      • I am trying this for the first time. On the first screen it asks me if I want to create an unattended or unattended and executor. What does the executor mean? Thanks - jfrasier 9 years ago
        • i cannot flr the life of me get this utility. links do not work. can you tell me where/how you obtained it please. - chairmann 9 years ago
          • New download link has been posted above, sorry for the delay. - scriptingninja 9 years ago
      • Is there a new link available for download? Clicking the current download link sends one to https://support.software.dell.com/

        Upon searching for the "Sysprep Creator" on that site, one is sent to https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/111227 and...upon clicking that download link, starts an infinite link loop. - sixfingers 9 years ago
      • As mentioned by others, I am unable to obtain the new version as it puts you in an infinite loop unable to download the software. - CharsWigg 9 years ago
      • Sorry for the delay, the link changed once again and we were not aware until now. The link above has been updated. - scriptingninja 9 years ago
      • I am not able to download sysprep either. I am using the right credentials but I get a network error when trying to download that file. Driver packs and other files will download fine. Any ideas? - ahunn 8 years ago
      • Need mirror link for new version. - boyan 8 years ago
      • I am using and when you run the sysprep_executor it deletes the unattend.xml file before it can be read. Anyone else having this problem? I run the executor file in the C:\Windows\System32\sysprep directory. Am I doing something wrong or a bug with the latest Creator? - Ryan@YC 8 years ago
        • This is the exact same thing that's happening with me and I can't find an older version. Trying to sysprep a Win 7 VM. Anybody else experiencing this issue? - lucke 8 years ago
      • The download is corrupt, it's only downloading 157k of the file. - bharper 8 years ago
      • Would a show password check box under join domain be a difficult feature to add? - ronfalkoff 8 years ago
      • Hi everyone, how can I get a hold of this installer? I cannot download from Dell as creating an account from Dell requires a service contract with them. Thank you so much in advance. - cckphang 8 years ago
      • Please add CANADA too to options :) - Lavabo 8 years ago
      • Please add AUSTRALIA (particularly Adelaide!) for timezone options too! - barryj 8 years ago
      • please add Indonesia - tanah 8 years ago
      • thank - tanah 8 years ago
      • Seems to be in a loop, where it's trying to download the latest, then install it, then asking to download again. Hitting Cancel takes it back into the creator wizard.

        Running on the machine I'm trying to capture just deletes the unattend.xml before the sysprep actually takes place. - lucke 7 years ago
      • I'm still doing testing, but a couple things I noticed with the new Quest branded wizard.

        1. If your local admin password had special characters, such as an ampersand (&), you no longer need to enter that character in your password as &amp;


        You can now just enter 123456&7890.

        Not sure how/if this works with other characters but...

        Additionally, unless I missed it, which I don't think I did, my sysprep is not recording my auto-login value. My most recent Win10 Enterprise v1703 image had a log in value of 4, but after applying the image, I have to login now after each task which requires a reboot. - phillybits 7 years ago
        • Not sure if you are still having issues, but there has been a windows update that fixes this. - khoelle 7 years ago
        • OMG the password thing. Thank you! Was wondering why my XML kept putting my &amp; in twice! - rskwire 6 years ago
      • I'm having trouble downloading this file. Clicking the link just redirects me to the main Quest Support page. Any one know if the link has been moved? - lmeerwood 7 years ago
      • Never mind, I found it at: https://support.quest.com/download-install-detail/6078553 instead. - lmeerwood 7 years ago
      • is it a freeware cause it does not allow me to download since i did not purchase any kace deployement - Lavabo 6 years ago
      • We have KACE SDA, I'm signed in to the quest support portal, when I download Sysprep Creator it's corrupted and invalid. Error says it can't run on computer. Really need this, any suggestions? Running Windows 10, 1709, 16299.125 - hkroeger 6 years ago
        • We found out that our firewall was throwing a false positive and not allowing the download. We had to make exceptions and is now working! - hkroeger 6 years ago
      • When will this be updated? Since the "knee-jerk" Microsoft updates in LTSB/17xx, I am no longer able to run this... It keeps saying "Antivirus Detected" even after I stop all of the services. - RD94 6 years ago
      • Is the download link broken? - jhulbe 5 years ago
        • I noticed the same issue a few days ago. - alexpena95 5 years ago
        • Is there any resolution for this? - mcarr50 5 years ago
          • Link has been updated, it is just a link to the support portal. - cserrins 5 years ago
      • The Sysprep creator built into 8.1 throws errors upon runnig the EXE... tried 5 different models, different ISOs, and VMS...

        The deprecated standalone still works, so I combined with my new unattend.xml... obviously can run sysprep.exe with switches manually, but I like the prechecks the executor does - jguthrie 3 years ago
      • thanks - emrahda 1 year ago
      This post is locked
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