The new release of PACE Suite 3.5 is out and available for purchase!
Release summary
The 3.5 release brings new features such as Patch packages creation, Microsoft SCCM Integration, Custom
Package Reports, Advanced Quality Assistant, Package Complexity Estimation and support of the VMware
ThinApp technology. Huge amount of reported bugs were fixed in the release 3.5.
New features
Patch packages creation
Patches are updates to a product or products. PACE Suite supports two ways of creating patches:
- Save changes to MSI database as Patch package
- Create Patch package against original MSI database
For more information about patching with Windows Installer, read
Microsoft SCCM Integration
Publish your packages from PACE Suite to Microsoft SCCM 2007 or 2012 and get them ready for deployment
with a button click. Both Configuration Manager’s “package model” and the new “application model” are
Custom Package Reports
Generate package documentation containing the details about your package and configuration made with
one click.
Use your template and configure which data and how should be presented in a report.
Example of a custom package report:
Advanced Quality Assistant
Define your validation rules using a built-in markup language and ensure all of your specific requirements are
met in every package.
Package Complexity Estimation
See the estimated complexity of an app right away. Create a custom complexity report, based on your client’s
template. Configure PACE Suite’s complexity estimation criteria to match your business reality.
Application Virtualization - VMware ThinApp
PACE Suite supports the creation of VMware ThinApp packages.
Fixed bugs
- Crashes on creating new MSI Features and MSI Components.
- Problem of duplicating files if resources were imported twice.
- Issues with validating MSI database against custom CUB files.
- Problem of importing Merge Modules.
- Crash on adding new script.
- Problem with shortcuts’ icon changing.
- Crash on creating new shortcut.
- Issues with managing MSI properties via the Properties tab.
- Problem with changing Target Directory in the Import File wizard.
- Bugs of transform applying.
- Lot of minor issues on the Files and Registry tabs.
- UI issues of the Features/Components and Custom Actions tabs.
Known issues
MSI Editor: Undoing big amount of operations at once could be a reason of crash. Please save your work