Updated 1/9/18 - Updated Screen shots for new releases
Another useful guide for imaging with KACE SDA - SDA Imaging Best Practices
I have developed a guide that walks through Windows 10 Imaging with the K2000 3.7 SP2 release. This guide covers the following topics:
- General Concepts of Windows 10 Imaging
- Creating Windows 10 based KACE Boot Environments
- Downloading and installing Windows 10 PE Driver Packs
- Creating the Boot Environment
- Managing Windows 10 Drivers
- Understanding the Driver Feed
- Using the Driver Feed Builder Tool
- Creating Scripted Installations of Windows 10
- Uploading the Windows 10 media
- Creating the Scripted Install
- Creating System Images
- Creating the unattend.xml file
- Running Sysprep
- Capturing the Image
- Deploying the Image
Post suggestions/comments and let us know how your Windows 10 imaging is coming along.
If you see a connection to the K2000 delete it.
net use \\<yourK2name_ or_IP>\IPC$
is typically the connection i have seen.
net use \\<yourK2name_ or_IP>\IPC$ /delete
Should kill that connection.
It might not like to have 2 mappings. Have seen that many times with Media Manager when creating KBEs. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
-Corey - cserrins 9 years ago
create partition primary size=500
assign letter C
create partition primary
assign letter D
format FS=NTFS LABEL="Windows" QUICK
exit - jamie_kace 9 years ago
http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3476-recent-items-frequent-places-reset-clear.html - ronfalkoff 9 years ago
msiexec /i ampagent-6.4.180-x86.msi HOST=k1000 /qn
My k1000 is called just k1000 here, but you would replace K1000 with your k1 name or fqdn. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
I thought it was going to fix the post install tasks failing and having to retry.
I have two post install tasks that fail. Adobe Flash Player 20 Activex and Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.
What's interesting is all the other tasks complete fine, except these two. I looked at the install parameters and here's what I have.
For Adobe Flash Player 20 Activex I have:
install_flash_player_20_active_x.exe /install
For Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 I have:
NDP46-KB3045557-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /q /norestart
Error return code is 5100. I am going to try and remove these two, and push them both out via the K1000 and see what happens. - akilpatrick 9 years ago
https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/185562 - jamie_kace 8 years ago
We are running Version: 3.7.120251 The tasks run but, produce error 740. - ronfalkoff 8 years ago
I'm having trouble with the Dell kb url posted by jamie_kace, but i suspect it is to the suggestion to add a reboot as the very first post-installation task. That step resolved the issue for us. - sarahmurray 8 years ago
but we have had mixed results with it in the past. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
If this is a Surface PC then you might not have the right drivers being injected. Did you capture an image from a Surface as well or is it an image from a VM or other model? Some of the drivers in tablets are quite picky I have found. So i will sometimes create a model specific image just for my tablets and in the sysprep file tell it to Persist Plug and Play drivers.
As for your sysprep file, I would create your XML and then run it through the Windows System Image manager (you point it to the install.wim file in the Win 10 DVD that you copy to your hard drive, then load your XML file and validate against it) It will find syntax errors and fix them if needed.
Hope that gives you some ideas. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
If you are talking about the Windows 10 VM you are using to capture an image from, then that is a bit of a loaded question. Not sure what programs you have. What i have done in the past is created an 80gb disk. If your image is under 40gb then you can capture from it. If it is greater than that, shut down the VM, expand the disk, and boot up. Make sure windows extends the partition and then capture. Ultimately you will need at least 50% of the drive free to capture a WIM file image. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
Hope you doing well !!
I need your help, I read this topic but cant able to deploy windows 10 Image properly Can you do one thing if possible please make video on this if possible coz with video everyone can understand easily.
Thank you :)
Deepak - DeepakSumbria 8 years ago
We have problem in capturing WIM image to the kace2000. The error is captured image failed. It happens after we upgraded to the version 4.1. Before the upgrade happens capturing the WIM image is ok, but with the new version it fails. By the way in capturing using K-Image there is no problem. Any idea why this happen? - Wel1975 7 years ago
But there has to be some sort of error you see.
I would recommend looking at logs, there is a log in the PETEMP directory on the K2000.
Since you are on 4.1 now you could always try recreating KBEs (Windows 10 Build 1703 has a new ADK that corresponds to that release). And lastly you may want to look at changing boot files if you were using k2000.0 for the bootfile in DHCP, try using undionly.kpxe as this is the new file. That probably will not effect anything since it just makes the KBE load faster but worth a shot at getting on the new boot files.
Not sure if you are using UEFI here now that we fully support network booting UEFI but make sure you are capturing both C: and S: partitions.
Again logs are our best bet to figure out why the capture is not working. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
I would recommend calling our support group and they can help troubleshoot the issue with you. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
I would probably work on updating the K2000 one revision at a time - go to 4.0 and then 4.1. If you have RSAs involved there will be a conversion you will need to go through to get RSAs running on the 4.x code. So you will have to upgrade to 4.0 and then get ALL the RSAs converted (they cannot be upgraded) and then get everything to 4.1 after that. If you do not have RSAs, i would just upgrade and then try again. But this really falls into a support category since a script is not working properly and it is one that is built into the K2. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
EDIT: I fixed this. Posting this here in case anyone else has the same issue.
I was able to resolve the USB imaging problem by going into the TASKS.XML file in the kace engine folder, and changing the path on every line in the PRE-install tasks that said %UFDPATH% to E:\ The mid tasks said %systemdrive% which I left alone.
I also had to change EVERY line on the post install tasks from %UFDPATH% to C:\
USB imaging is now working! I hope this helps someone else out. - Irvine5000 7 years ago
You should try to upgrade to the 4.1 SP1 build first, then apply the hotfix to the 4.1.
4.1 SP1 is build 4.1.1148
Article on issues from updates: https://support.quest.com/kb/230798
After 4.1.1148 is installed you might try this hotfix. https://support.quest.com/kb/231267 - jamie_kace 7 years ago
"This shared file or folder link has been removed or is unavailable to you." - Channeler 7 years ago
https://www.itninja.com/blog/view/basic-scripted-installation-deployment-for-windows-10-example - DaveMT 6 years ago
Has anyone been able to create a customized image of Windows 10 that strips out all the bloatware and uneeded items that comes preinstalled?
Any help is appreciated. - kkullot 6 years ago
That article has some decent scripts to help remove the bloatware. - jamie_kace 6 years ago