
Windows 10 Imaging Guide

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Updated 1/9/18 - Updated Screen shots for new releases

Windows 10 Imaging Guide

Another useful guide for imaging with KACE SDA - SDA Imaging Best Practices

I have developed a guide that walks through Windows 10 Imaging with the K2000 3.7 SP2 release.  This guide covers the following topics:

  • General Concepts of Windows 10 Imaging
  • Creating Windows 10 based KACE Boot Environments (KBEs)
  • Downloading and installing Windows 10 PE Driver Packs
  • Creating the Boot Environment
  • Managing Windows 10 Drivers
  • Understanding the Driver Feed
  • Using the Driver Feed Builder Tool
  • Creating Scripted Installations of Windows 10
  • Uploading the Windows 10 media
  • Creating the Scripted Install
  • Creating System Images
  • Creating the unattend.xml file
  • Running Sysprep
  • Capturing the Image
  • Deploying the Image

Post suggestions/comments and let us know how your Windows 10 imaging is coming along.


  • So far, Windows 10 imaging is going better than I expected. An observation about my post-installation tasks - some of them fail at first (prompt on error, red x on task), then change to succeeded after a subsequent task succeeds (icon corrects itself to a check mark). I've not yet gotten to test the tasks themselves to verify that they work directly on Windows 10 devices, but the KBE/drivers instructions in the above guide are great... we're only in the beginning of testing imaging with Windows 10, but I'm please so far. - sarahmurray 9 years ago
    • Good to hear that it is going well. I have also seen where a task sort of fails and then when you click continue it magically succeeds. I think it might be the task engine not talking back properly to the K2000 with the Win 10 OS loaded. But we will have official support soon and we will of course look at these issues as we test that release. Keep us posted on your Win 10 progress! - jamie_kace 9 years ago
      • I wasn't sure if I needed to add back the "start /wait" to tasks if perhaps they're not finishing before the next one starts or what (though I've not investigated it at all yet)... i'm glad I'm not the only one seeing that happen, though. - sarahmurray 9 years ago
  • The k1000 is still not patching Windows 10, correct? This is keeping us from updating at this time. - caseyo4 9 years ago
    • You are correct for now. The upcoming patch to the K1000, tentatively due out later this year will add Windows 10 to the patch feed. Otherwise the K1000 agent seems to be working fine for inventory and scripting and managed installations. Keep an eye out for the patch that will address the Win 10 patches. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
      • Thanks for your quick reply. I thought I read in some of the k2000 materials there was going to be a methodology to deploy windows 10 via the k1000, but I have not seen any write-ups on that. Is that feasible? - caseyo4 9 years ago
  • I followed the directions to a T, but am getting a "Unable to locate WinPE Tools at:" error. The ADK is installed into the default folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10) but the media manager won't recognize it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! - j.hough_FNP 9 years ago
    • Media Manager should not be used to build KBEs from the Windows 10 ADK. There are a couple things that are not working. Make sure you have the latest media manager though, the one that came from the 3.7.116629 build. Having said that, you need to create KBEs based on Win 10 ADK from the KBE Manipulator tool. http://www.itninja.com/question/kbe-manipulator - jamie_kace 9 years ago
      • Thanks, I just reinstalled it to make sure I was on the latest MM, still didn't work. Going to try the manipulator... you should update your document with KBE Manipulator instructions. Thanks! - j.hough_FNP 9 years ago
      • Jamie, our K2000 is on an isolated, closed network with no internet connections. The KBE Manipulator Tool crashes if it doesn't have an internet connection. I've worked with several people in another thread, including the dev of the tool, and there has been no fixed. Is there plans to eliminate the need for an internet connection to run the KBE Manipulator Tool? - captains1stm8 9 years ago
  • @j.hough_FNP - Thanks for finding that. I have updated the document. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
  • We have had great success running scripted installs and are about a week or 2 away from running sysprepped WIM images. I have noticed something that is not making much sense. Why do some post install tasks work flawlessly on scripted installs and some prompt for credentials? Do I have to go back and modify those tasks and add a RunAs? - ronfalkoff 9 years ago
    • Not 100% sure, probably something in that task that is not happy with Win 10 in some fashion. I would look to see if UAC may be the culprit, i would typically turn that off, and if you need to re-enable it, we could do that with a script at the end of the image process. Really would be dependant on the individual task and what it is trying to do. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
  • I'm having an issue with the KBE Manipulator, version When trying to upload I get an error that the KBEM cannot map the drive to the K2000 IP address. I have verified that I can map the drive manually but that does not help. I thought it might be a bad cached password but when I try to uncheck the box to remember the password it still saves it. - chucksteel 9 years ago
    • Did you happen to have an open connection to the share? At a command prompt type: net use

      If you see a connection to the K2000 delete it.

      net use \\<yourK2name_ or_IP>\IPC$

      is typically the connection i have seen.

      net use \\<yourK2name_ or_IP>\IPC$ /delete

      Should kill that connection.

      It might not like to have 2 mappings. Have seen that many times with Media Manager when creating KBEs. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
      • I checked my open connections and I don't have any to the K2000 either by hostname or IP address. Restarting did not resolve the issue. - chucksteel 9 years ago
      • It looks like the KBEM maps its drive as Z:. I already had a drive mapped to that letter, once I disconnected that drive KBEM was able to map successfully. - chucksteel 9 years ago
      • KBEM is "supposed" to look for only free drive letters. I will test and file a defect if it will only select z: drive.
        -Corey - cserrins 9 years ago
  • It looks like the Task Engine runs twice for the post-install tasks. I'm getting Windows Installer errors that another program is being installed during the task sequence and task manager shows two copies of Microsoft (R) HTML Application host running. Both task engines are going through the list of post-install tasks trying to install software unless I kill one of them. - chucksteel 9 years ago
    • I will bring up to the developers. Might be something in the Win 10 code which they will officially release in December from what i hear. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
      • I installed the 3.7.120251 update today and the Task Engine is still launching twice. Should I submit a ticket to support? - chucksteel 9 years ago
    • Not sure if you found this yet, but there is a fix/explanation for this: https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/185562 - ahuston@roguecc.edu 9 years ago
      • Thanks. I didn't see that KB but had discovered that a restart first thing resolved the issue. - chucksteel 9 years ago
  • @chucksteel I would submit a ticket to support on that one. I will be revising this guide in the next few weeks since SP2 has been released and fully supports Windows 10 now. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
  • I had read at one time there was a way to deploy the Windows 10 Upgrade through the k2000 without doing a full reimage. Has anyone seen anything on this? - caseyo4 9 years ago
    • http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/upgrading-to-windows-10 - jamie_kace 9 years ago
  • On page 19 of the win10ImagingSP2 there's a preinstall task titled "create and format two partitions" Can we get the contents of that preinstall task? - robcalewar 9 years ago
    • select disk 0
      create partition primary size=500
      assign letter C
      format FS=NTFS LABEL="Boot" QUICK
      create partition primary
      assign letter D
      format FS=NTFS LABEL="Windows" QUICK
      exit - jamie_kace 9 years ago
    • You can change the size of the first partition but i have this at 500MB in the example. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
      • worked perfectly. Thanks Jamie! Also, does USMT work exactly like it did w/ windows7? - robcalewar 9 years ago
  • I just syspreped my first bactch of newly created Windows 10 images (4 of them). They captured fine and deployed fine although some tasks work fine but, my K agent task failed... Any thoughts why recent files are still ever present? - ronfalkoff 9 years ago
    • If you copy profiles to default user on not for get to clear recent items....
      http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3476-recent-items-frequent-places-reset-clear.html - ronfalkoff 9 years ago
    • Not sure without looking at the task. My agent installer (for 6.4.180 agent) uses the following command:

      msiexec /i ampagent-6.4.180-x86.msi HOST=k1000 /qn

      My k1000 is called just k1000 here, but you would replace K1000 with your k1 name or fqdn. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
      • I recreated the task an all worked fine... Also, blanking out the recent files prior to sysprep was helpful. They never carried over in the past until windows 10.... - ronfalkoff 9 years ago
  • @robcalewar USMT should work as it did with Win 7. I think there is a problem where USMT 10 will not capture Win XP profiles but should work fine otherwise. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
  • Interesting... I have applied the Windows 10 fix here >> https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/185562

    I thought it was going to fix the post install tasks failing and having to retry.

    I have two post install tasks that fail. Adobe Flash Player 20 Activex and Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.

    What's interesting is all the other tasks complete fine, except these two. I looked at the install parameters and here's what I have.

    For Adobe Flash Player 20 Activex I have:
    install_flash_player_20_active_x.exe /install

    For Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 I have:
    NDP46-KB3045557-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /q /norestart

    Error return code is 5100. I am going to try and remove these two, and push them both out via the K1000 and see what happens. - akilpatrick 9 years ago
  • I'm trying to wrap my head around why during the creation of a scripted image, where I tell it to walk me through creating an answer file for unattended setup that I create ANOTHER unattended.xml file with the Sysprep creator tool. Is there a reason for this? I'm just quoting what's in the instructions. - kenrinc 9 years ago
    • Unattend.XML files are needed to automate the installation of the OS. In the case of the scripted install, we are using that to answer the questions Windows setup will ask to get the base OS installed. But those answers are used and discarded. When you sysprep after building that image out, you need to have a new answer file for the deployment since sysprep re-seals the image and will want to ask those questions again. If you run sysprep without an answer file, you will get prompted for things when you deploy the sysprep image. Every time you run sysprep, you need to put an answer file (unattend.xml) in the image so it can be automated. - jamie_kace 9 years ago
  • I am having an issue when I try to create the KBE for Windows 10. Everything seems to go fine, but when I look at the size of the source media, it's only 90kb. I'm also unable to boot into the KBE. - madoreo2 8 years ago
    • I meant 90KB. - madoreo2 8 years ago
    • First thing i would do is make sure you have the latest release on the K2000 (3.7.120251) and ensure that you have the latest Media Manager installed from that build. Media Manager was updated with this build. Next assuming you have installed the latest ADK from Microsoft, i would make sure you have the KACE PE 10 driver packs in the K2000\drivers\kbe_windows_x86 or x64. Do not include drivers from other versions of PE. if the KBE does not get to a normal size (over 250MB typically) then it might be something on the machine you create the KBE from. try building a clean VM that is not part of your domain (sometimes domain security restrictions or AV applications can interfere) and install the ADK and Media Manager on that clean system. Re-create the KBE from there and see if that helps. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
      • K2000 and Media Manager were at their latest versions, but I found that I had the PE 3 driver packs getting installed as well. Deleted them, copied over the PE 10 driver pack, and recached. Did a fresh install of Windows 10, installed the ADK and Media Manager, and everything uploaded just fine. 320.6MB. Thanks so much for your help! - madoreo2 8 years ago
  • Anyone have issues with Scripted Install tasks that work flawlessly on 8.1 but, fail on Windows 10? Windows 10 is properly installed but, post install tasks fail with an error... - ronfalkoff 8 years ago
    • what version of the K2000 are you running? There is an issue with some post install task engine running twice. The fix posted here might help.

      https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/185562 - jamie_kace 8 years ago
      • Jamie
        We are running Version: 3.7.120251 The tasks run but, produce error 740. - ronfalkoff 8 years ago
      • @ronfalkoff, we had the same issues ... the tasks would run, appear to fail, but sometimes install normally despite the red x.

        I'm having trouble with the Dell kb url posted by jamie_kace, but i suspect it is to the suggestion to add a reboot as the very first post-installation task. That step resolved the issue for us. - sarahmurray 8 years ago
  • @sarahmurray I am trying to pull up the article but, the support site is down for maintenance. I saw the article yesterday but, also wanted to state this issue as we do not have the double task engine appearance just error 740 with a red X but all items do install. Glad to know I am not the only one... - ronfalkoff 8 years ago
    • We were seeing the double task engine when we Alt+Tab through open windows on the desktop of the machine being imaged, but no where else. I'd never have noticed it except we had a task failing for other reasons and popping up a CLI error. - sarahmurray 8 years ago
  • I have done everything as documented. I've done sysprep and capture image Win1064Bit successfully but when I go to deploy the image to another computer it is stuck on "Set Engine Run Key". What am I doing wrong? Any ideas!! - sbarnwell 8 years ago
    • are you on the latest version of the K2000? I know this was an issue a couple of releases ago but should not be happening now. As long as your network drivers are being injected properly that should not happen. The current release of the K2000 is 3.7.120345 (SP3) - jamie_kace 8 years ago
      • Hey Jamie_kace, yes I am on the latest version of K2000 3.7.120345. Yes I see the drivers being injected and installed successfully. The computer automatically logs in and just sits there. No Post install tasks are run and when I look at the Kace 200 Progress, it stuck on "Set Engine Run Key". I did a scripted installation for Windows 10 and that worked no problem. This is only happening to System Image Deployments to computers deploy with a captured (WIM) image - sbarnwell 8 years ago
  • @sbarnwell - First thought is that something is not right in the sysprep image. I have not see that hang at Set Engine Run key in quite a while on my lab systems. I would open a support ticket and see if they can get to the bottom of it. Also you might try a new image. Do your scripted install, then without adding anything extra, sysprep that device (a VM would be easiest). Capture that WIM file and see what happens when you deploy. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
    • Hey jamie_kace, I've already open a support ticket with Dell Kace and I'm collecting debugging logs. I suspect it might something to do with my image but I don't know the cause. I use the Dell Kace 2000 Sysprep Creator to create the unattend.xml file and use a batch file to execute the sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:C:\windows\system32\sysprep\unattend.xml command. I get no errors from the sysprep and the computer shutdown. I set it to autolog twice to do post installs. After I re-deploys, to another computer, it just logs in once and sits there. I look at the progress on the K2000 and it's just stuck on "Set Engine Run Key" no Post install tasks are run so I'm at a lost. I've created 4/5 WIM images and it still is not working. - sbarnwell 8 years ago
      • We are currently looking at some issues with sysprep creator not providing values properly (some settings require a yes instead of Yes). See if you can put your unattend.xml file into Windows System Image manager and validate it against the install.wim file in your Windows 10 image. There might be some syntax issues you can address within the unattend file. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
  • Hey Jamie_kace, will try that and see, thanks for the suggestion. In the meantime, what can I use or do to sysprep my image and create an unattend.xml file - sbarnwell 8 years ago
    • Well our tool is the only other tool i know of that creates the unattend file for you. The Windows System Image Manager creates one as well but it is not terribly friendly. You can try the one here:


      but we have had mixed results with it in the past. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
  • Jamie, sbarnwell. We are having the same issues here at my company. Can run scripted install just fine, but when trying to deploy a WIM of a captured image it hangs at "Set Engine Run Key". sometimes after that it will reboot into an endless loop and display the 'Surface" boot up screen but it never makes it to a login screen? I checked our answer file and all the "Yes"'s are in the "yes" format (lower case "y"). Any updates on this? Thanks. - joelglynn1 8 years ago
    • Typically we see that stuck at Set Engine Run key if the device cannot communicate back to the K2 once Windows is done unpacking after sysprep. This could be a driver issue as pointed out here:


      If this is a Surface PC then you might not have the right drivers being injected. Did you capture an image from a Surface as well or is it an image from a VM or other model? Some of the drivers in tablets are quite picky I have found. So i will sometimes create a model specific image just for my tablets and in the sysprep file tell it to Persist Plug and Play drivers.

      As for your sysprep file, I would create your XML and then run it through the Windows System Image manager (you point it to the install.wim file in the Win 10 DVD that you copy to your hard drive, then load your XML file and validate against it) It will find syntax errors and fix them if needed.

      Hope that gives you some ideas. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
  • Great, thanks Jamie! I will go back through all our steps and narrow down where our issue is. Thanks again for the info. - joelglynn1 8 years ago
  • A lot of my questions have been answered by reading this guide. We are setting up a virtual machine as the Administrator Device for the K2000. What size should the VM be to accommodate all the required programs and other necessary files? - chmccann 8 years ago
    • The K2000 has a fixed disk size in the VM of 1TB. You don't actually "create" a VM for the K2000, you import the OVF. It will create a 1TB disk for itself. You cannot change the size of the disk in the main K2000. If you find out that you need more than 1TB of space for all of your images (not too common but it could happen if you have huge images and a lot of them) then you can create a disk of any size needed, and attach it to the VM. You can then format the disk and use it as "offboard" storage in the K2.

      If you are talking about the Windows 10 VM you are using to capture an image from, then that is a bit of a loaded question. Not sure what programs you have. What i have done in the past is created an 80gb disk. If your image is under 40gb then you can capture from it. If it is greater than that, shut down the VM, expand the disk, and boot up. Make sure windows extends the partition and then capture. Ultimately you will need at least 50% of the drive free to capture a WIM file image. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
      • Hi Jamie, Thanks for your response. I am wanting to setup a VM to install the Media Manager and Windows 10 ADK to. Is that possible and what size would I need? - chmccann 8 years ago
  • @chmccann The VM would really only need enough for the OS (Win 10 needs maybe 10gb or so, plus another 5 gb roughly for ADK and Media Manager. I would create a 30 or 40GB VM just to be safe. - jamie_kace 8 years ago
  • Hi Jamie
    Hope you doing well !!
    I need your help, I read this topic but cant able to deploy windows 10 Image properly Can you do one thing if possible please make video on this if possible coz with video everyone can understand easily.
    Thank you :)
    Deepak - DeepakSumbria 8 years ago
  • Getting ready to do all of this for the first time. Is this still a good guide to use as a guideline? - five. 7 years ago
    • While we have had some changes to the K2000 since I wrote this guide, it is still a pretty solid guide. The K2000 has been re-branded to KACE SDA, and there are some really nice UI enhancements in our current 4.1 release. We have had significant updates to Sysprep Creator and KBE Manipulator as well as supporting UEFI through network boot. But the principles should still apply. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
  • Hi Jamie
    We have problem in capturing WIM image to the kace2000. The error is captured image failed. It happens after we upgraded to the version 4.1. Before the upgrade happens capturing the WIM image is ok, but with the new version it fails. By the way in capturing using K-Image there is no problem. Any idea why this happen? - Wel1975 7 years ago
    • Not without any kind of error message. You may be running out of space on the K2000. WIMs take up much more storage since they are a single compressed file. KImages are typically take up less space overall (after the first image) since they have file de-duplication available as they are file based images.

      But there has to be some sort of error you see.

      I would recommend looking at logs, there is a log in the PETEMP directory on the K2000.

      Since you are on 4.1 now you could always try recreating KBEs (Windows 10 Build 1703 has a new ADK that corresponds to that release). And lastly you may want to look at changing boot files if you were using k2000.0 for the bootfile in DHCP, try using undionly.kpxe as this is the new file. That probably will not effect anything since it just makes the KBE load faster but worth a shot at getting on the new boot files.

      Not sure if you are using UEFI here now that we fully support network booting UEFI but make sure you are capturing both C: and S: partitions.

      Again logs are our best bet to figure out why the capture is not working. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
      • I'm booting with legacy boot. How to change from k2000.0 to undionly.kpxe. I am not the full access admin in k2000 SDA. Am just helping my co-worker to solve this problem. By the way I already captured WIM successfully. I saw in the OPTION 67: UNDIONLY.KPXE thats why the capture was ok. But when I try again another one the OPTION 67 was change to K2000.0 so my capture failed again. I capture the windows partition and the system reserved partition. So my question is where to edit the boot files? By the way thank you for the reply. - Wel1975 7 years ago
  • Option 67 is only changed in DHCP. I have no idea why you have different option 67 settings or how that is even possible. Unless you are setting those on a scope level and not a server wide option.

    I would recommend calling our support group and they can help troubleshoot the issue with you. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
  • I have a question, hopefully a quick one. I am having an issue with Deploying an image (WIM) via usb stick. As soon as I get to the kace task engine screen, I get an error that says "Windows Cannot find 'Y:\hta\getkuid.vbs'. Make sure you typed in the name correctly, and then try again. The image works fine over PXE, I emailed the k2 engineer that left here recently, and he said he had to change some files relating to a UFDPATH or something to get usb imaging to work. Doesn anybody know what this means? I am very new to kace, I did get my new win10 ent x64 1703 image working via pxe though. So I got that going for me, I would just like to hasten deployments for the techs. Thanks for ANY help. K2 Version - 3.7.120345 - Irvine5000 7 years ago
    • Well first thing that comes to mind is you are 2 revisions behind on the K2. We are at 4.1.182 currently. But there may have been some changes needed to the scripts used on the USB stick since the drive letters are not the same as PXE. Since you have the USB in there it will take a drive letter which can throw off scripts. The getkuid.vbs script looks for a K1000 agent on the machine you are imaging and will try to pull off the KUID so that when you re-image it we can reapply the KUID to the machine and we do not have duplication in the K1000 inventory.

      I would probably work on updating the K2000 one revision at a time - go to 4.0 and then 4.1. If you have RSAs involved there will be a conversion you will need to go through to get RSAs running on the 4.x code. So you will have to upgrade to 4.0 and then get ALL the RSAs converted (they cannot be upgraded) and then get everything to 4.1 after that. If you do not have RSAs, i would just upgrade and then try again. But this really falls into a support category since a script is not working properly and it is one that is built into the K2. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
      • Thank you, That is more than I had. I have some direction now.

        EDIT: I fixed this. Posting this here in case anyone else has the same issue.

        I was able to resolve the USB imaging problem by going into the TASKS.XML file in the kace engine folder, and changing the path on every line in the PRE-install tasks that said %UFDPATH% to E:\ The mid tasks said %systemdrive% which I left alone.

        I also had to change EVERY line on the post install tasks from %UFDPATH% to C:\

        USB imaging is now working! I hope this helps someone else out. - Irvine5000 7 years ago
  • Thanks super helpful to update our WinPE drivers so that we can image the new Dell 7480s! - jnolasco 7 years ago
  • I just tried to access the guide but the link to https://dell.box.com/s/21j2yh9mlzucrpyql7j9pcwv6n1ysxsh is non responsive. - zim 7 years ago
    • I have updated the article with a new link. This should be the new link: https://quest.box.com/s/vc1qachlbd6hz99lslr70szie2r6yf5m - jamie_kace 7 years ago
  • Thank you Jamie, this looks to be a great resource but unfortunately I'm still unable to view it. Looks to be certificate related. - zim 7 years ago
    • Probably an issue with your network blocking access to the Box site. I have seen file sharing services blocked on many networks. Maybe access from a non- work computer would be the simplest route. - jamie_kace 7 years ago
  • Hi Jamie, I am hoping an expert like you or someone else can share some insight. Any idea on this issue?: After I upgraded my Kace to version 4.1.182, our Kace image deployment is failing on "windows cannot find 'Kace_set path.vbs,' make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." - justk0ol 7 years ago
    • Quick edit...

      You should try to upgrade to the 4.1 SP1 build first, then apply the hotfix to the 4.1.

      4.1 SP1 is build 4.1.1148

      Article on issues from updates: https://support.quest.com/kb/230798

      After 4.1.1148 is installed you might try this hotfix. https://support.quest.com/kb/231267 - jamie_kace 7 years ago
  • Thank you Jamie! I will apply your suggestion and keep you posted. Something tells me that's the answer. One would think Quest aka Kace folks will test these issues before release. - justk0ol 7 years ago
  • Hello Jamie, I believe the link is now broken.

    "This shared file or folder link has been removed or is unavailable to you." - Channeler 7 years ago
    • It's available again! :-) - WooLian 7 years ago
      • I think it's broken again, I get the same message - davidw128 6 years ago
      • Just updated link again. Should be good now. - jamie_kace 6 years ago
  • Hello guys. The link is broken? I don´t access the Windows 10 Imaging Guide. Please, help-me! - adrianomarcio 6 years ago
    • I did a quick example of a Scripted Windows 10 post if that helps you. You can also click on the Need Help button in the KACE Environment to get access to some additional documentation.

      https://www.itninja.com/blog/view/basic-scripted-installation-deployment-for-windows-10-example - DaveMT 6 years ago
      • Thanks DaveMT. My problem is not for create the installation. My problem it is deploy image captured from the installation using usb bootable the Windows 10. - adrianomarcio 6 years ago
  • Hello Jamie_kace! Your link is usefull! Please, it´s possible can available again? - adrianomarcio 6 years ago
    • Updated Link... let me know if it works again - jamie_kace 6 years ago
  • Scenario: I have a few systems that will need to be installed off network, but we run Windows 10 off group policy to strip out all the bloatware Microsoft installs.
    Has anyone been able to create a customized image of Windows 10 that strips out all the bloatware and uneeded items that comes preinstalled?
    Any help is appreciated. - kkullot 6 years ago
    • You should be able to create your image from a stripped down Win 10 after you have removed those apps. If sysprep puts them back for some reason, then you could easily put in a post-installation task that will remove any apps you need removed.


      That article has some decent scripts to help remove the bloatware. - jamie_kace 6 years ago
  • Imaging guide no longer exists at the box link. Does it exist somewhere else? - t0ta11ed 5 years ago
    • Sorry for that, we had an issue with the Box account being removed by mistake. I have corrected the link. - jamie_kace 5 years ago
  • Is there a new link? The current one doesn't work. - elopez@azusa.org 2 years ago
  • Yes, please is there a new link? - cbosi 2 years ago
  • Hoping to get access to a refreshed link as well - AJH1992 2 years ago
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