Hey guys,
I just wanted to share with you how to skip the requirements for a Windows 11 installation in your environment.
I tried to install it in one of my VMs but the VM did not match all requirements that are needed for Windows 11. (Requirements can be found here: Windows 11 Specs and System Requirements | Microsoft)
That is why I created a pre-installation task within my SDA to bypass all requirements for Windows 11.
It is a simple batch script that you can download here:
Kace Systems Deployment Appliance Community (itninja.com)
Right after you have successfully imported the task you can simply add it to your installation.
WARNING: But be careful with circumventing the requirements, as Microsoft reserves the right to suspend security updates for systems in the future if they do not meet all the requirements for Windows 11.
You can find further information in the links below:
Ways to install Windows 11 (microsoft.com)
Installing Windows 11 on devices that don't meet minimum system requirements (microsoft.com)
you need to remove the line:
ECHO Create partition msr size=128
So that the diskpart script is only creating partition S and C. Then it should deploy Windows 11 via SDA :)
Sven - sven.hain 3 years ago
I reverted it to the original config because your solution is a cleaner one, thx Sven ! - toj 3 years ago
Greate Work. Thats a perfect way to install Win11 via SDA.
Toby - Xasda 3 years ago
I am very sorry for the late response.
You should have a task in your pre installation tasks within the SDA that is named "[DISK] Create BIOS/UEFI Partitions". You can duplicate this task and then delete the following line:
ECHO Create partition msr size=128
After that you should be able to run the SI.
Best regards
Sven - sven.hain 3 years ago
Was able to get your nice little batch file working and Windows seems to deploy. Get's all the way to the end and then fails at" Windows cannot find 'updateconfig.vbs' make sure you typed name correctly" KACE deployment then fails with Task ID: 136 Return code 1223. Unknown error. - kenrinc 3 years ago
same here, I am so sorry for the late response.
did you installed the latest SDA update to 8.2.158? Maybe that helps in that case. Otherwise please create a support ticket :)
Best regards
Sven - sven.hain 3 years ago
did you get it sorted or do you still have problems in applying this task?
Best regards
Sven - sven.hain 3 years ago
Windows could not format a partition on disk 0. the target disk, partition or volume does not support the specified operation. the error occurred while preparing the partition selected for install error code 0x80300024 - binuani 3 years ago
you need to modify the existing diskpart script as I mention above in one of my comments. Then the error is fixed.
If you still have problems, please let me know.
Best regards
Sven - sven.hain 3 years ago
Be well! - Tiki - tkeyes 3 years ago
yes you are right. The registry keys are written into the registry of the KBE so for the SI and the image deploy you need to add that task :)
Best regards
Sven - sven.hain 3 years ago
https://www.techspot.com/news/91691-here-how-bypass-windows-11-tpm-cpu-requirements.html - Wede1993 3 years ago
your link is very helpful but only covers the case if we want to upgrade an existing Windows 10 machine to Windows 11. These keys are not working during a deployment with the SDA :)
Best regards
Sven - sven.hain 3 years ago
@echo off
wpeutil UpdateBootInfo
for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%A in ('reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control /v PEFirmwareType') DO SET FIRMWARE=%%B
echo Firmware Type: %FIRMWARE%
echo Explanation of Firmware Type: (0x1 is BIOS, 0x2 is UEFI)
if %FIRMWARE%==0x1 goto BIOS
if %FIRMWARE%==0x2 goto UEFI
goto END
ECHO select disk 0
ECHO clean
ECHO convert gpt noerr
ECHO create partition efi size=500
ECHO assign letter=s
ECHO format quick fs=FAT32
ECHO Create partition msr size=128
ECHO create partition primary
ECHO assign letter=c
ECHO format quick fs=NTFS
ECHO exit
diskpart /s X:\Windows\System32\UEFI.txt
goto END
ECHO select disk 0
ECHO clean
ECHO create partition primary
ECHO select partition 1
ECHO assign letter=c
ECHO active
ECHO format quick fs=NTFS
ECHO exit
diskpart /s X:\Windows\System32\BIOS.txt
goto END
Please be aware, that for Windows 11 deployment up to 23H2 you have to remove the line "ECHO Create partition msr size=128". For Windows 11 24H2 and later you can use the above script as it is. If you do not have this script in your appliance yet, it would make sense to import a new appliance and migrate from the new one so that you have all those default tasks created. - sven.hain 2 months ago