
A serious error has been detected Adobe Acrobat cannot continue

Upon launching Acrobat Professional 8.1.2 with a non-admin user account I receive the error "A serious error has been detected Adobe Acrobat cannot continue. Please reinstall and try again.". The error does not occur with a Local Admin user account. If I launch with a local admin account and then a non-admin account the error no longer occurs, but that is not a viable solution for deploying to hundreds of users.

I have used filemon and regmon to determine permissions issues and nothing turns up. I have also granted "Users" full permissions to all adobe directories and registry entries and still receive the error. I have also captured the changes to the machine when an admin launches the app for the first time but nothing appears.

I have searched adobe forums and adobe KB as well as google and nothing seems to come up. I also found a post from VBscab regarding the main executable replacing the permissions on the Adobe PCD directory but I am not experiencing that same issue. Adobe tech support refuses to assist without a charge because they said Acrobat Pro 8 is out of support.

Has anyone experienced this same issue?


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Answers (6)

Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
Seems to be a permission problem to me and some missing resources which the admin account mange to add.
Use Process Monitor, LUABug or similar to find the issue, then make the appropriate changes.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
There is a flavour of AcroPro 8 in which the executable resets permissions as it executes. You can spend every day 'til next Christmas adding permissions to LockPrmissions or running SetACL (or whatever) and the EXE will obligingly walk all over them. There is a Servie Pack to fix the problem.

Great QA and UAT, Adobe...
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: bigherrm
Adobe tech support refuses to assist without a charge because they said Acrobat Pro 8 is out of support.

Great support Adobe! by keeping the SP a secret [:'(]
Their support is the same sh*t as their package(s).
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Great support Adobe! by keeping the SP a secret [:'(]
Their support is the same sh*t as their package(s).
At the time I was working on this, there was a torrent of posts on the Adobe forum about it, to which Adobe contributed.......can you guess?
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
You gotta pay? [&:]
Posted by: bigherrm 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for the info guys.

Yes, adobe support was worthless. I was bounced from tech support to enterprise license support and back to tech support before I was told "I can help you but we will have to charge you for it."

Anyway, I was able to come up with a solution. My core images have Acrobat 8.1.2 Standard installed on them. I found that the problem was related to the way the transform (created with the cust wizard) was removing standard prior to installing Pro. Instead of using the transform to upgrade/remove Standard I added a seperate "msiexec /x" command to my wrapper to remove Standard prior to launching the pro install.

I am not sure exactly what was being left behind, but this process has eliminated any permissions issues and the app is working fine now for standard users.

Thanks Again
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