
a setup.exe that was created by "toolset installation visual basic 6.0"


I have a setup.exe that was created by "toolset installation visual basic 6.0"
Except that I can not find the command for silent install or uninstall it.
I tried /? / help but in vain.
Can help me please?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Multiplier 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Not all Setup.exe-files have the possibility of doing a silent installation. That is why we repackage them. I usually do:

... and the equivalent with "help" to see if I get any response. Note that the last version of Visual Basic 6 was released in 1998, and I'm not really sure how much they considered silent installations back then. You could check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and see if the application is listed there and if it has a UninstallString-value worth looking into. Some only have a UninstallString-value that points to the executable without any arguments.

Also note that it would help if you provided some more information, what operatingsystem do you want to perform the silent installation on, or uninstall? Do you need help with silent removal or silent installation? Is this an application that have been installed manually on some machines but are to be removed by a network instance? This information might help other members give a better answer, or maybe alternative solutions to your problem.
Posted by: yes8734 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hello and thank you very much for the reply.

Indeed, the package has no arguments such as /? -?.....
However, the installation goes silent with the / silent.
And uninstalling the setup is located at the key you specified.

thank you
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