
Acrobat Standard X Activation issue


I am currently packaging Acrobat Standard X to deploy to be deployed to my company. I am installing using the setup.exe bootstrapper, and have been using the Adobe Customization Wizard to configure the settings, although the problem also occurs when installing a completely un-customized msi. We are running Windows XP and we have a volume licensing key for (I'm told) unlimited licenses, the Acrobat Standard software was downloaded from the Adobe LWS website.

The software installs fine but when it is launched after about 10 seconds or so an application error appears and the program crashes.
I've been in touch with Adobe technical support and we've established that this is happening because the software is trying to activate via the adobe website but our security settings do not allow this.

Does anyone know if there is a way to stop the software from trying to contact the Adobe website to activate? Due to our security settings it's not possible to allow Acrobat to contact the Adobe website, and we have many machines that have no internet access at all so presumeably would have no way to be able to activate the software.
I was under the impression that with a volume license no activation is required, but Adobe support have said it still requires activating so they know how many installs there are, although they don't seem to be completely clear on this point.

I am in contact with Adobe support who are looking into it but have yet to provide a solution, but I thought I'd post on here as well in case anyone else has also come across this or something similar and might be able to help. Any ideas or pointers would be much appreciated.

Many Thanks

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Answers (2)

Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Keep pressing Adobe, because they have offline activation. Likely, they have given you the wrong license key and are reluctant to admitt it with the hopes that you will instead allow online activation instead. When we had this problem, it took a couple months to fix and the result was a new license key. Keep pushing up the support ladder.
Posted by: wstead 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for the reply, glad to hear it's not just us that have had this problem.
We'll keep chasing Adobe then, hopefully with enough prodding they'll sort it out for us.
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