
Active Setup\Repair if source is no longer on c:


The company I work for use AD deployment. The MSI is copied to a temp folder on c:, installed, then the source is deleted.

If it's a computer assigned MSI (that has HKCU or appdata files), when a user logs on, active setup runs, it fails to repair as it no longer has access to the source.

I know there is a cut down version of the MSI in c:\windows\installer, but can the app repair if it requires files? I would have thought the MSI would have to remain in the source that it was installed from for a full repair to be successful?

Is this correct?


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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
The company I work for use AD deployment. The MSI is copied to a temp folder on c:, installed, then the source is deleted. Er...why? GP deployment implies a network which implies server-based shares so why not simply install directly from there? can the app repair if it requires files?In a word, no.
Posted by: Meic 13 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Thanks for confirming just what I thought.
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