
add custom button to Office QAT


I have a batch scripted silent installation of Office 2010. I want to add a button to each of the main application's (Word, Excel, Outlook) QAT, which opens a support website. I have created the vbscript and the button on my own installation, which works well.
Presumably I'd need some way to import the code into each application and create a QAT item which runs this code. Also it would need to work with each new user of the PC, so the registry might be a problem

It occurred to me that perhaps templates might address this problem also.

Does anyone have any idea if/how this might be done?

Thanks, in advance

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Answers (2)

Posted by: fitzgerac 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi Billy. I have actually done something similar in my environment. Here is what you will need to do:

1. Convert your VBScript into a Macro code that you will save in the Normal.dotm file.
2. Add the custom button to your QAT and link it to the Macro you created
3. Locate your customized QAT file (Word.officeUI) and Normal.dotm file. Locations for these files can vary.
4. Using the Office Customization Tool (setup.exe /admin), go to the "Add Files" section:
- Add your customized Word.officeUI to the path "[AppDataFolder]\Microsoft\Office"
- Add your customized Normal.dotm to the path "[AppDataFolder]\Microsoft\Templates
5. If you are upgrading over exisiting Office installations, In the "Add Registry Entries" section add the value "MigrateNormalOnFirstBoot"=00000001 to the path HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Options
6. Also, in the "Modify user settings", go to Micorosoft Office 2010>Global Options>Customize>Allow roaming of all user customizations=Enabled
7. Deploy Office using the customization file you created in steps 4,5,6

The above list is quick and dirty so let me know if you need any help/clarification. Good luck.
Posted by: BillyWiz 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
That looks great fitzgerac
I'll give it a go!
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