
Add new file with recapturing

I need to change a file in an existing msi. Is it possible to add a file to an msi in Install shield?

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Answers (7)

Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
The answer should be yes - but you'll probably get better "Installshield" related answers on Stefan Krueger's site "www.installsite.org".
Posted by: sini 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
The easiest way to change files is to use uncompressed external files so the .msi will only include the tables. No you can exchange files without having to recompress the .msi. For example you only want to install a new "program.exe" but all other files .dlls etc. remain the same. You may use WisePackageStudio to replace, delete or add files in an existing msi. You can download a fully functional 30-day evaluation Version at www.wisesolutions.com
Posted by: ssweb 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Seems to me Colin was asking if this could be done using a specific tool.

How can this be done to put the file "In" the msi and not a pointer to an extenal file.

I to am using installshild and have been looking all over for this answer.

I tried making a ISM in installshield but ran into a problem with building the ISM. Here is my thread on thi from installshield


Thanks for any help

Posted by: bheers 19 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
it is possible to add a file to the existing msi.
open the msi in installshield, go to files in the GUI. then browse to the fodler you want the file to go , then in the Source COmputer's Folders browse to the location where your file is located. then drag and drop it into the Destination Computer' Folders

if the msi is uncompressed the when you save select "On the Source Media (UnCompressed)
if the msi is compressed then select "in a new cab file" and also check the "Stream the new CAB File into the windows installer package.

hope this answers your query.

if you want to put a newer version of a file (replacing) then if it is an uncompressed msi , you can replace the new version of the file in the folders, no need to change anything in the msi.

if you are using a compressed msi , i always used the first method like opening the msi, drag and drop the new file.
Posted by: ssweb 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
What you have described is what I assume it should do.

Yet after saving (NOT BUILDING) the msi and running it on another machine it I get an error 1308.

Source file not found. It is looking for the file that I added in the path where my msi is.

Going the rebuild route (Changeing the MSI to and ISM) produced other errors as I mentioned above

Posted by: bheers 19 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
can you use a transform instead of adding the file to the msi ?

is your msi compressed or uncompressed ?
when you saved the msi did it save correctly with out any errors like error copying file......?
Posted by: ssweb 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I tried using a transform and had the same result.

I believe the MSI is uncompressed.

For reference this MSI is for Symantec PCAnywhere 11.5. After they deployed there MSI they sent out a new file. This is the one that I am trying to get inot the package.


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