
Adding blank folder to Users profile


I have an existing MSI that I need to add an empty folder (called Blank Folder) to the User's profile.

C:\Users\TestUser\Blank Folder

I opened the existing MSI in adminstudio - 'Files and Folders' - 'Show predefined folder' - I selected 'UserProfile' and added my 'Blank Folder' folder.

When I save the MSI then install it - the folder isn't added.

I tried a snapshot of manually creating the folder and the new snapshot installs the folder. When comparing the existing MSI (that I've added the folder to) and the snapshot of just the folder, everything appears the same except for the attribute of the component - it's 8 on the modified MSI, and 0 on the snap.

Any ideas why the folder isn't added to the existing MSI?


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Answers (4)

Posted by: kardock 13 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
try the CreateFolder table
Posted by: Meic 13 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Thanks for your reply - I do have the entry in CreateFolder.
Posted by: Teitan 13 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Please generate a log file of your installation by using the /l*vx <path> switch and post it in this thread.
Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
If you have the entry in the CreateFolder table of your MSI for this folder, make sure it is linked to a component that always gets installed with the product. Also, since it's a folder in the userprofile, you might need to trigger a self-heal or a repair, be it through an advertised shortcut or ActiveSetup, for this folder to be created for seperate users.

I would consider putting the folder into a seperate component, and giving that component a keypath that is an HKCU registry key, to make sure a repair will take this component into scope.

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