
Adding Office 2003 features after the fact

Several months ago I rolled out Office 2003 successfully. In this install I did not have the Office Document Imaging installed. However, we recently purchased a network scanner and need this feature installed on all PCs. I created a new MST using the Office Custom Installation wizard and chose to not install all the Office apps except for Document Imaging since I want to keep all the apps as is on the PCs and just add the Imaging component. I think you can see where this is going. I created a new OU and a new group policy to deploy the imaging component, and moved a test PC into the new OU. The policy was sucessful at adding the Document Imaging, however it uninstalled all of the Office apps so that all that was available on this PC was Imaging and Word, Excel, etc. were now gone. I need it to only add Imaging and not uninstall all the existing apps. I see on this page ( http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HA011401961033.aspx ) Microsoft mentions that choosing "Not Available, Hidden, and Locked" for the apps you want to keep as is will prevent them from being uninstalled. However, in the article it only mentions this in the context of keeping Access 2000 from being upgraded to Access 2003. Will this keep the other apps from being uninstalled as well? Does anyone know what will?

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Answers (6)

Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

I would suggest using the same MST has you orignally used, but enable the Document Imaging feature in it.

Then you can copy your new MST file over the existing MST file in your network share.

Then within Active Directory Group Policy, select your MSOffice and choose to Redeploy.

This will reinstall Office onto your computers using the updated MST file and will only install the Document Imaging feature because thats all it thinks is missing (which is infact true).

I've done this a few times. This is how you would also redeploy Office if you have had to update the MSI package with a patch (MSP).

[8D] Keep cool. [8D]
Posted by: Joe_Schmoe 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for the tip. I've installed numerous Office updates on these PCs and, if possible, I'd prefer to not have to re-install all these updates. Will doing what you suggest require re-applying all the updates as well?
Posted by: papardun 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Use the Custom Maintenance Wizard from the Office 2003 Resourse Kit to unlock the feature that you are after. The CMW uses the orginal MST to read which settings you already have and then you can add additional settings as you need.

The last page of the wizard gives you the commandline structure you need to use to deploy with.
Posted by: Joe_Schmoe 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
I'm trying to go with brenthunter2005's solution. I re-ran the Custom Install wizard and updated the original MST. I then moved a test PC into the OU that has the Office 2003 deployment group policy applied to it. When I go to right click the package and choose "redeploy" it gives me a warning that the package will be redeployed to all PCs that have the package. This OU currently has only the test PC in it as I moved all the other PCs out of this OU once they originally received Office 2003. The warning is indicating that all the package will be redeployed to all PCs that received this package, but I only want it to go to the test PC in the OU. Will it only go to this one PC or go to all the PCs even if that are not currently in the OU? Thanks for your help.
Posted by: andypern 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
To the best of my knowledge, it'll only go out to machines in that OU.
Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
andypern is correct. The GPO is only being applied to a particular OU, and only machines that are in that OU (or permissioned against the paritcular GPO) will pick up the changes.
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