
additional reboots

I am packaging an application called zoomtext.
It will only work after 3 successive reboots.
everything seems to be installed correctly.All the drivers are installed correctly,services etc.
I try capturing the reboot i got some registry keys and imported them into MSi but same issue.
Does anyone have an idea as to why it will work after 3 reboots but not 1???

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Answers (2)

Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
My guess is that something happens during each reboot, which lets something else happen, etc until it finally goes. DLL registration maybe? Also, do you need to run the software after each reboot? It may be creating files.

What happens when it fails? Do you get anything written to the Event Log? What were the registry keys that you captured? Does the application integrate into anything like IE or Outlook? Did you try modifying the capture settings, i.e. use Snapshot only with no SmartMonitor, non-MS ODBC connections, etc? (Those are Wise specific but I'm sure they translate into InstallShield somehow)
Posted by: Fordy 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
event viewer/log files shows me nothing.All dlls are registered correctly.the registry keys captured are relating to the services and are excluded in the MSI when you covert to the service install table.The importing of this reg is to no benefit.the application has outlook,excell and word add-ins and im looking into this.
Will try the suggested new capture settings.
The application automatically starts up when you log on/start up.and throws the error straight away when it attempts to start.
i checked the vendor site and there seems to be some issues with the application and this error.
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