
adobe 7.0 or any other msi packages

I have a few questions regarding msi packages.

I've sucessfully installed various msi packages (Office2k, flash player, others) and on some of them I've never had to create an administrator installs. For example flash player, and adobe acrobat reader I just copy the installs on to the shared network drive and link them through active directory. The installs work fine on all the workstations.

My questions is this: Do I really need to install an administrator installs on all application packages or can I just copy them to the shared network drive on the network?

Next question: Can anyone recommend me a good MSI package creator.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
You never have to create an admin install point. The reason why you want to make them admin install points is that you have the option to install as Run From Source and you can also apply patches to the admin install point. That way instead of having to distribute a patch to all existing and future installations, you just apply the patch to the admin install point (that takes care of all future installations) and you send a command to the existing installations to reinstall from source, which is now patched (takes care of all past installations). And it's done. You never need to worry about that patch again and you will never accidently distribute the application without the patch.

The command to reinstall from the now updated admin install point would be similar to "MSIEXEC /fvomus //Server/Share/Application.msi"
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