Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Upgrade - Silent Install Issue
...this is an upgrade. The MSI searches for an existing version that meets the software's requirements. I use my company's existing scripted install of Acrobat 6 (not Reader) to allow the Upgrade to find a match.
The upgrade forces uninstallation of the previous version during the upgrade. The uninstall is part of the upgrade process so it cannot be uninstalled first using the /x switch.
I am using a fairly simple execute statement in my installation script:
<path>\msiexec.exe /i "<path>\AcroPro.msi" ISX_SERIALNUM="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" /l*v <path>\setup.log /qn
This is failing with 1708 Installation operation failed error.
The script is being run/tested on Windows XP SP1.
I'm not sure if an MST needs to be created to perfom the operation. My company does not use/have an Installshield license so generating an MST could be difficult. We wrap our installations with SMS Installer scripts (basically WISE). So scripts are generally simple and use
vendor's silent install routines and then use our own error checking routine using information written to the setup.log. I hope this is enough info but if any more is needed- say the word. Any insight or information that anyone can pass along would be helpful and greatly appreciated.
The upgrade forces uninstallation of the previous version during the upgrade. The uninstall is part of the upgrade process so it cannot be uninstalled first using the /x switch.
I am using a fairly simple execute statement in my installation script:
<path>\msiexec.exe /i "<path>\AcroPro.msi" ISX_SERIALNUM="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" /l*v <path>\setup.log /qn
This is failing with 1708 Installation operation failed error.
The script is being run/tested on Windows XP SP1.
I'm not sure if an MST needs to be created to perfom the operation. My company does not use/have an Installshield license so generating an MST could be difficult. We wrap our installations with SMS Installer scripts (basically WISE). So scripts are generally simple and use
vendor's silent install routines and then use our own error checking routine using information written to the setup.log. I hope this is enough info but if any more is needed- say the word. Any insight or information that anyone can pass along would be helpful and greatly appreciated.
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