Adobe Acrobat Pro DC updates.
Hello ALL,
I trying to deploy Acrobat Pro DC with updates in Distribution but seems i'm having trouble. I'm using
start /wait msiexec.exe /i AcroPro.msi PATCH=Acrobat2017Upd1701130068.msp TRANSFORMS=AcroPro.mst /quiet. If I remove the update patch PATCH=Acrobat2017Upd1701130068.msp it will run fine. I'm running everything in a zip file with the patch on the root.
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Posted by:
7 years ago
Posted by:
7 years ago
One, always, always, ALWAYS use explicit paths for this stuff and two, only a fool would run any installation without creating a log:
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0AcroPro.msi" PATCH="%~dp0Acrobat2017Upd1701130068.msp" TRANSFORMS="%~dp0AcroPro.mst" /quiet /l*v %temp%\AcroPro[version_number].log
Also, personally, I create Administrative Installation Points for major apps like this. When a patch is released, I copy the existing AIP to a new AIP, patch the new AIP, then deploy the patched release. That gives me a quick and easy to regress any "bad" updates (of which there have been many over the years, let me tell you!)
Posted by:
7 years ago