
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5?

Has anyone successfully packaged this app?

I started with FB 4.5with PHP & Zend Studio. When I try to install it, just as a clickfest, I get a message about it was trying to install Zend or PHP support and it couldn't and I needed to remove previous versions of Flash Builder. Adobe was stumped. They suggested that I download FB 4.5 Premium (without PHP) and try it. I built an installer with Application Manager Enterprise, but during the install it throws up a message saying, "The FlashBuilder executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library." It does this three times in a row, and if I don't hit OK, it just sits there. Adobe hasn't responded to that yet. That was in a VM, so I tried it on a physical machine. The installer exits with a return code of 0, but the 600KB log file says 1603 but no indication of what the problem is.

So... what's the secret? How does anyone get their crap installer to actually install something that works?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: jnojr 13 years ago
Orange Belt
For the archives...

At least for FB 4.5 w/PHP, the issue turned out to be the fact that we use roaming profiles, and "My Documents" and "My Pictures" are directed to a network H:\ drive in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders and HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders Setting those values back to a local C:\ drive temporarily allowed the install to proceed.
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