Adobe Reader 6.0.2
Okay, I'm working on setting up and deploying Adobe Reader 6.0 with the 6.0.2 Update. I've got all the files and the MSI and all that configured (it installs fine), where I'm running into problems is the additional registry keys I want to tweak. Apparently some of them are different than what I thought they were in 6.0.
Can anyone tell me where the registry keys are to set version 6.0.2 so that it never checks for Updates? This is the key set when you go into Preferences | Updates and set the "Check for Updates:" to "Manually". Anyone got this working?
Can anyone tell me where the registry keys are to set version 6.0.2 so that it never checks for Updates? This is the key set when you go into Preferences | Updates and set the "Check for Updates:" to "Manually". Anyone got this working?
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Answers (5)
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Posted by:
20 years ago
The keys you need are
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
If you look here ewall has an excellent clean mst file that will give the right direction to take.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Originals]
If you look here ewall has an excellent clean mst file that will give the right direction to take.
Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
I made a .mst file with the ORCA Tool and set modified following Codes in the Feature Table:
Feature: ReaderPrintMe, Level:0 (disable PrintMe)
Feature: Updater, Level:0 (disables the Updater)
Of Course you can set this parameters directly in the MSI Package.
This should solve your problem.
How my Transformfile additionaly has build in:
With Wise Installer Addiditionaly i placed a Registry Table Entry and a file into my .mst
Registry: registryxxx
Root: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Name: AdobeReader6Set
Value: WScript.exe [!acropatch.vbs]
Component: Reader_Registry_system
I added following "acropatch.vbs" file in the .mst to Install to Adobe Reader Main Directory in the Progam Files Folder:
Set objShl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strRegSection = "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\"
'Performance: LAN Speed for Intranet (10MBit)
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "AVGeneral\iConnectionSpeed",10000000,"REG_DWORD"
'No automatic Updates
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "Updater\bShowAutoUpdateConfDialog",0,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "Updater\bShowNotifDialog",0,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "Updater\iUpdateFrequency",0,"REG_DWORD"
'Disable JavaScript in Reader
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "JSPrefs\bEnableJS",0,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "AdobeViewer\EULA",1,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.LogEvent 4,"Adobe Reader 6.0 Configuration complete"
Set objShl = Nothing
For doing the Update from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 I placed a custom action 23 "Install from Relative Path" in the InstallExecute Sequence:
Action: msi602
Condition: Not Installed
Sequence: place it after "AOL_Update11"
Custom Action:
Action: msi602
Type: 23
Target: ALLUSERS=1
The "AdobeReader602upd.msi" and the mst must be placed in the same directory as the Main MSI Package resides.
You can get the msi Package by Running the Update.exe from Adobe and look into your "temp" directory.
Feature: ReaderPrintMe, Level:0 (disable PrintMe)
Feature: Updater, Level:0 (disables the Updater)
Of Course you can set this parameters directly in the MSI Package.
This should solve your problem.
How my Transformfile additionaly has build in:
With Wise Installer Addiditionaly i placed a Registry Table Entry and a file into my .mst
Registry: registryxxx
Root: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Name: AdobeReader6Set
Value: WScript.exe [!acropatch.vbs]
Component: Reader_Registry_system
I added following "acropatch.vbs" file in the .mst to Install to Adobe Reader Main Directory in the Progam Files Folder:
Set objShl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strRegSection = "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\"
'Performance: LAN Speed for Intranet (10MBit)
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "AVGeneral\iConnectionSpeed",10000000,"REG_DWORD"
'No automatic Updates
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "Updater\bShowAutoUpdateConfDialog",0,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "Updater\bShowNotifDialog",0,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "Updater\iUpdateFrequency",0,"REG_DWORD"
'Disable JavaScript in Reader
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "JSPrefs\bEnableJS",0,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.RegWrite strRegSection & "AdobeViewer\EULA",1,"REG_DWORD"
objShl.LogEvent 4,"Adobe Reader 6.0 Configuration complete"
Set objShl = Nothing
For doing the Update from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 I placed a custom action 23 "Install from Relative Path" in the InstallExecute Sequence:
Action: msi602
Condition: Not Installed
Sequence: place it after "AOL_Update11"
Custom Action:
Action: msi602
Type: 23
Target: ALLUSERS=1
The "AdobeReader602upd.msi" and the mst must be placed in the same directory as the Main MSI Package resides.
You can get the msi Package by Running the Update.exe from Adobe and look into your "temp" directory.
Posted by:
20 years ago
Thats another way to do it.....but with vbscript you wont get any error checking and if the keys dont apply for some reason....the msi installation will never know and also won't be able to self repair those keys automatically if the keys are found missing.
If you add them to the mst then they will apply for each user that logs in when they start Reader. This will ensure that the settings are scaled correctly no matter who logs in.
If you add them to the mst then they will apply for each user that logs in when they start Reader. This will ensure that the settings are scaled correctly no matter who logs in.

so that the conversation will remain readable.