Adobe Reader 6.1
Hi I'm trying to setup Adobe Reader 6.01 to automatically install when a user opens a pdf file using Software Installation in the group policy.
Currently using the msi I can get the software to show up in Add/Remove Programs list and install it from there. However in the GPO there is no extension available for PDF so opening a .pdf file brings up the standard windows Open With... dialog.
I've got it working using a ZAP file however i'm running into permission problems with non-administrators which I don't get when installing via the msi.
If anyone knows how i can get the pdf extension to appear in the File Extensions part of the policy it would be much appreciated.
Currently using the msi I can get the software to show up in Add/Remove Programs list and install it from there. However in the GPO there is no extension available for PDF so opening a .pdf file brings up the standard windows Open With... dialog.
I've got it working using a ZAP file however i'm running into permission problems with non-administrators which I don't get when installing via the msi.
If anyone knows how i can get the pdf extension to appear in the File Extensions part of the policy it would be much appreciated.
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Answers (6)
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Posted by:
20 years ago
Try applying this to the desktops in a machine based policy and have it install the vendor supplied MSI with a Transform file, this is the proper way to do this. I myself have transforms created for both 6.0.1 and 6.0.0, if you need both email me, also fetgotr has transforms too, he may also be able to help.
Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
I'm using the transform from here. Using a assigned machine policy would push it out to all clients regardless of whether they wanted it or not. I'm assuming this is a problem with the actual MSI file not supplying the extension that it uses as Microsoft Office works perfectly using the installtion on extension activation setting.
Posted by:
20 years ago
The problem is with MIME settings.
Create an MST and then create an advertisement with an extension for .pdf and MIME settings as well and try advertising it. Once the user clicks on a pdf it should install for you.
I havent tried this because I deploy Reader workstation based to 30,000 users normally.
But technically it should work.
Create an MST and then create an advertisement with an extension for .pdf and MIME settings as well and try advertising it. Once the user clicks on a pdf it should install for you.
I havent tried this because I deploy Reader workstation based to 30,000 users normally.
But technically it should work.

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