
Adobe Reader 8 .msi GPO Deployment


I've been at this all afternoon, and I've checked for previous posts, knowledge base articles, and I've come up dry. I'm on one of the few app deployment folks in my company, just getting versed in GPO deployment. I've done successful deployments before, but I'm completely stuck on this Adobe 8 .msi deployment.

I'm using the Adobe 8 Customization Wizard, and putting this out for a test group. However, when the .MSI is ran, it's completely ignoring the changes stored in the .MST. However, if you run the accompanying setup.exe, it runs as intended just as specified in the .MST created by the Customization program.

What am I missing? I've seen hints that other people have had this problem, and found a solution, but I'm pulling hairs out of my head here because I'm following documentation down to the smallest detail, and the .MSI just won't do anything the .MST file specifies.

Can someone please help?

Thank you in advance.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: Flexsta 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Bump, anyone have any idea? Heard of this before?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
As ever, the first question is, do you have a log of the install? You'd be able to see straight away whether or not the transform is being applied or not.
Posted by: waps4life 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
I have the same problem. How could i use the Setup.exe with my MST to work fine ?
Posted by: MARIN 17 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

What did you change in the MSI file?
Is it possible you made changes to the current user and ran the MSI install with a system account?
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