
Adobe Reader 9.2 install and forced uninstall of Acrobat Pro?

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It *could* be that I have actually suffered nutmeg poisoning from all the eggnog consumed over the holiday, but:

I am creating a new install package for Adobe Reader 9.2 .
I have the licensing, and have the correct package that gets rid of Adobe AIR.
I extract the MSI, and am trying to configure it through the customization wizard.

"Remove previous versions of Acrobat" is checked and greyed out, so that I cannot uncheck it.

Is this Adobe's new, annoying way of improving security? I have users with varying versions (and yes, I DO know how insecure the older versions are, but I have no input into buying licenses, thanks for asking!) who not only will slice and dice me 30 ways, but who probably do not have their license keys/software still hanging around. Which will be my fault. Even though I wasn't employed here when the software was deployed.

I have looked through the forum posts for a couple of hours now, as well as adobe's site, and googled various terms about this new feature.

This was not an issue when I deployed Reader 9.0, btw.

If this is an error between my chair and keyboard, or if anyone has any suggestions (other than making the Adobe install uninstall all adobe products and launch a Foxit Reader download, which I already suggested and was already sighed at for) I would be eternally grateful.

I am going to go play with Orca now, and see if I can whack that setting that way.


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Answers (8)

Posted by: PackageExpert 15 years ago
Blue Belt
basically FMHO he wants the Reader installer not to remove any Professional or Standard installer during installation....of which he is unable to to uncheck in Adobe Customization Wizard....

I think the nutmeg poisoning could be the factor for unclear explanation ;) but nevertheless, why not find out which registry setting is this and add this to the MST. I think it's possible.... Explore the PROPERTIES of the MSI or any Custom Action etc. Usually it's a HKCU setting if I remember.....

Try installing the 9.0 version and check for registries under HKCU\Software\Adobe or HKLM\Software\Adobe and see if anything comes near to the settings you need....
Posted by: joltman 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
So has anyone figured this out? Because I just ran into this exact same issue. Why is this option grayed out? I have many users with older versions of Acrobat that will be uninstalled if I use this transform. How do I get this option back? Adobe Reader 9.3.0 MSI file. Thanks!
Posted by: Bobo 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Just a theory, could it be that the Reader never uninstalls the full version of Acrobat and that's why it's greyed out in the Customization Wizard?

I'm pretty sure that's the case since we uninstall the Adobe Reader 9.x first when we install Acrobat 8 Standard/Pro and then installs Reader 9.x again so it's the default application for opening PDF files. (A nice Adobe annoyance)
Posted by: joltman 14 years ago
Yellow Belt

Unfortunately, no. I ran the custom MST transform on the Adobe MSI and it removed my copy of Acrobat 6. I emailed the OP and she said that they never came up with a solution. Bummer.
Posted by: msde 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Open the the MSI file with your favorite MSI editor and go to the "Property" table. Locate the property "REMOVE_PREVIOUS" and change its value to "NO".
Save the changes to an MST file.
This will result in an unchecked "Remove previous versions of Acrobat".
I haven't testet deploying it yet.
Posted by: FunWithApps 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have found the answer to this, and it is true Adobe style :-)

I do not normally have Adobe Acrobat Pro on my machine, but installed it this past week for another project. I opened up the customization wizard to answer a different question on another install. Lo and behold, the "Remove previous versions of Acrobat Pro" button is no longer grayed out, and I can uncheck and check with impunity.

Looking at a cryptic message from Adobe saying that I should "have all the adobe products and versions in the environment installed on my test machine", I think this is maybe what they were referring to.

I am not sure if I had Pro installed way back when I did the original 9.0 packages (I don't think so, but I cannot say with absolute certainty), but I know I did not have it when I posted this original question.
Posted by: joltman 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for getting back to me on this! I really appreciate it. I tried MSDE's suggestion above and it worked perfectly. I didn't save the changes to a transform, I just saved the MSI with the change and it's working great. Thanks for the heads up about the PRO version though. Unfortunately, I don't have enough licenses to have PRO installed on my machine.
Posted by: elgwhoppo 15 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
I'm somewhat confused as to which app you're talking about, and what exactly is the situation. Seems like the conversation is centered around Adobe Reader, but then there's the talk of licenses, which makes me think Adobe Acrobat.

Here's what I think you're saying:
"There are older versions of Adobe Acrobat on PCs. I need to make sure that Adobe Reader 9.2 does not remove them."

Have you tested the installation to see the result? What is the big picture concern here?
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