
Adobe Reader command line length issues

I'm trying to create this package to deploy Adobe Acrobat Reader using SMS and seem to have run out of space in the Command line field. This would be my command line:

msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\mysrv1\apps\itstuff\adobe\reader\705_full\msi\adobe reader 7.0.5.mst" REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn

I only want to deploy this using SMS and can't figure out the best way to include all of this in the command line? What am I doing wrong?
Any responses are appreciated.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: rpfenninger 19 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Why not try to open the Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi in Orca and set the REBOOT Property to ReallySuppress just to save a few characters?
Posted by: AngelWorks 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Another thing you could do is put the transform in the same dir as the msi file and you wouldn't have to specify the path. Its probably much easier than putzing around with the properties table.

And actually if your deploying the app via sms thats probably the best way to go anyhow.

Something like,

msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" TRANSFORMS="adobe reader 7.0.5.mst" REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn - should work just fine.
Posted by: marvinc 19 years ago
Orange Belt
The SMS deployment is now working after following the suggestions on the command line. I've managed to disable and remove all of the "necessary" icons and options with the exception of the "Yahoo Internet Search" button. I made the following changes under the "Destination Computer Registry View":

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AVGeneral\cToolbars\cWebSearchView\cPositions\cInternal]


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AVGeneral\cToolbars\cWebSearchView\cPositions\cExternal]

I also went down the list and followed just about every instruction listed here:

So I'm wondering if I missed something? Any responses are appreciated.

And would anyone happen to know why the Installation option to "Remove previos version" is disabled in the turner? I need to remove versions 5 & 6 and this package doesn't appear to do that.

Posted by: N8Tbb 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Maybe of some help:

Three step unattended install of Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.5

Step One - Getting the files:
- Download Full installation package for Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.5, you want the full version, NOT the “Download Manager” version, it should be about 20MB. Un-click “Adobe Yahoo! Toolbar” and “Adobe Photoshop® Album Starter Edition " before you download.

- Execute AdbeRdr705_enu-full.exe /? /S. It will look like Reader is installing, but it is really just unpacking to the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Setup\Files\RdrBig\ENU_ folder. Close the Installshield box.

-Changing to the ' C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Setup\Files\RdrBig\ENU_ folder ' where you should have the following or similar:

Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi

Step Two - Choose your Command Line:
- You have several options here: Fully Silent, Hands Free with End Dialog (handy for IT manual installs), etc.

- Hands Free with End Dialog, No Cancel, Logging: msiexec /i “Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi” /l*v c:\acroread70.log /qb!+

- Silent Install with Logging: msiexec /i “Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi” /l*v c:\acroread70.log /qn

- There are many more command line options available depending on whether you use setup.exe or msiexec:

- MSIEXEC Command Line Options: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/msi/setup/command_line_options.asp

- SETUP.EXE Options: http://helpnet.installshield.com/robo/projects/helplibdevstudio9/IHelpSetup_EXECmdLine.htm

- NOTE: The quotes around the .MSI file and PATH are usually necessary due to spaces in the name.

Step Three - Testing:
- I would suggest the use of either VMWare or MS Virtual PC (There are enought places on the web to explain their configuration and use so I won’t go into it here.) Once you have your test system running create a folder to work/test from and place the two files in to it. From the command line while in the folder run each of the following with an uninstall from the Control Panel’s “Add Remove Programs” between test:

msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" /qb
msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" /qb+
msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" /qn

- Using the /qb will install and give you a progress bar, closing when finished. - Using the /qb+ will install and give you a progress bar, it will open another box when finished which you will need to close. - Using the /qn will install “blind”.

- All though the “blind” method sounds good, you won’t know when its finished and should you be using it with RunOnceEx.cmd, the next application in the list can start installing before it’s finished, I would suggest using the /qb. By adding the /l*v path\filename.log you will get a report of the install which can be used to track a /qn install for completion.

-Final note, you only need the “Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi” and the Data1.cab file for this install, but if you have the space keep all the files together as you may want to use the installer and it must have everything to run.

(This is a modified version of another work.)

SMS install
- Rather than try and install using the "msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\mysrv1\apps\itstuff\adobe\reader\705_full\msi\adobe reader 7.0.5.mst" REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn ", create a share with the files needed on a network server. Create a .cmd file with the command line but add the path to the server share first. Then from SMS call just the .cmd file. You'll find it easier to test.
Posted by: marvinc 19 years ago
Orange Belt
Thanks N8T but I seem have it working now. Here's my command line:

msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" TRANSFORMS="adobe reader 7.0.51.mst" REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn

The problem I'm seeing now is that a reboot is pending after the install. Is there any other way to suppress this or is this mandatory?

Posted by: N8Tbb 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Well, by the documentation you have the switches right and it shouldn't reboot on you. I don't think a reboot is mandatory if it's a new install of the application. Using the ' msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" /qn ' doesn't request me to reboot but this then is the default install which may not meet your requirements. I'm running it in my RunOnceEx.cmd and it doesn't require me to reboot either. Not much help, sorry.
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