
AdobePro 9.4.5


I'm currently trying to package Adobe Pro 9.4.5

I have started with 9.3 and am running the below script (This is what I found on the adobe forums) for the updates to 9.4.5

When then attempt to install the MSI I recieve this error: "Error 1308. Source file not found: C\AcrobatPro9AIP\program files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Adobe.Acrobat.Dependencies.manifest. Verify that the file exsists and that you can access it."

I have checked that path and sure enough there is no file there.

md \AcrobatPro9AIP
start /wait msiexec /a AcroPro.msi TARGETDIR=C:\AcrobatPro9AIP /Liv c:\AcrobatPro9AIP\install900.log /qn
cd \AcrobatPro9AIP
start /wait msiexec /p c:\AcrobatPro9\AcrobatUpd932_all_incr.msp /a AcroPro.msi TARGETDIR=C:\AcrobatPro9AIP /Liv install932.log /qn
start /wait msiexec /p c:\AcrobatPro9\AcrobatUpd933_all_incr.msp /a AcroPro.msi TARGETDIR=C:\AcrobatPro9AIP /Liv install933.log /qn
start /wait msiexec /p c:\AcrobatPro9\AcrobatUpd940_all_incr.msp /a AcroPro.msi TARGETDIR=C:\AcrobatPro9AIP /Liv install940.log /qn
start /wait msiexec /p c:\AcrobatPro9\AcrobatUpd942_all_incr.msp /a AcroPro.msi TARGETDIR=C:\AcrobatPro9AIP /Liv install942.log /qn
start /wait msiexec /p c:\AcrobatPro9\AcrobatUpd945_all_incr.msp /a AcroPro.msi TARGETDIR=C:\AcrobatPro9AIP /Liv install943.log /qn

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Answers (6)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
You seem to be confused about what you're doing here.

You should create the AIP on a network share, patch that and then use the resulting MSI to target your clients. There shouldn't be a need to script it at all, since it's a one-off exercise. Logging the creation of an AIP is pointless, BTW.
Posted by: Deevon 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for the response.

The initial method I used was to create an AIP and patch that with each update and then use the resulting MSI. Attempting to install the resulting MSI gave the same error as the script, that's why I attempted to use the above script (which was found from searching the error message).
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
What happens if you create the AIP using the UImsiexec /a AcroPro.msi and selecting the target path yourself? Does the MSI extract OK?
Posted by: Deevon 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Yeah, I had no issues creating the AIP. Once its created I can then install 9.3 without an issue.

I am slowly going through the updates one by one and installing them to see when I get the issue. I am up to 9.4 and havent had the error yet, so it must be with 9.4.2 or 9.4.5.

I also found on the adobe website I was missing "AcroProStdUpd910_T3T4_incr.msp" from the source. I had T1T2, so this may be an issue as well.

Thanks again for the help.
Posted by: Deevon 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Alright, the issue appears once 9.4.2 is installed.

Now I'm going to go back to the beginning and add the T3T4 file and see if that helps.
Posted by: Deevon 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Alright, looks like the issue was with the missing T3T4 file.

I am now having other issues but I'll start another thread about that.
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