
Advertised Application will not be installed because it might be unsafe.

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Hello All,

Recently when I tried to install an application from sccm it failed to installation with error code 1603 with comment "Advertised Application will not be installed because it might be unsafe". I found one error custom action in vendor msi whose condition was productstate=1. When I checked the MSI log file productstate value was 1 due to this is cusstom action got executed and it failed to install. When I did troubleshooting on user machine I found application got advertised and HKCR\Installer\Product\{Guid}was present on the machine and there was no add and remove entry . So I created cmd which deletes the HKCR\Installer\Product\{Guid} and then install the msi. So I tried to fire the new command from sccm and it got installed successfully. 

I tried to find the reason why this problem has occured in this application but I didn't found any proper solution for this can any one help me why this problem has occured.

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: dedenker 10 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt
You used the /jm or /a switch?
Better then use /I switch.
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