
Agentless Windows XP - Error: Unable to connect.

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Hello, I'm attempting to add a Windows XP machine to our inventory, but see that it is not supported for agent 9.1.204 (I think they dropped support in v8). I attempted to add it via agentless management using WinRM. I was able to discover the device and deploy an agentless config. However, on the device detail page, no info is added and the agent icon shows agentless disconnected. I checked the info in Agentless Inventory Status Messages under the Logs section and see "Error: Unable to connect." "Error: Agentless inventory failed." 

Does anyone know what I need to do here to get this to work OR what should I do to be able to continue to get inventory for a Windows XP device? Before anyone comments that XP is awful and should not be used, we are a manufacturing environment and have PCs attached to equipment that requires software to be run on XP with no upgrade options. The machines have no internet connection and are only on the LAN but we want to continue to have them in our KACE inventory for discovery and support purposes.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Having the same issue. We are pushing WinRM Service setup, but going to see what else is needed client side. - sultryninja 5 years ago
  • Please let me know if you're able to figure anything out. I've worked with Quest support to see what can be done, but they always recommend using SNMP which is not installed by default on XP machines. Even with that, they say agentless inventory will only display up/down status and nothing else specific about the machine. Doesn't sound like what we're looking for anyway. - horstj 5 years ago

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