
All Windows Installer Apps BUSTED!


Has anyone ever seen all your Windows Installer Apps Bust? They're all prompting for the CD, but when you give it the CD or point it at the MSI, it rejects it. It's the "Some damn files busted" message that I usually see with Office every now and again.

The fix has been to run the Windows Installer Cleanup utility, then reinstall the apps. In the past, I've only seen it on one system here, then a few months before another, but we've got a large group of users that are getting it now with no apparent similarities.


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Answers (10)

Posted by: cdupuis 19 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Have you confirmed that those computers can reach the MSI installers? Are those installers on a network share? Is that network share avaialble to those users? Did someone change permissions to the network share? Did you deploy from a DFSroot? Is that DFSroot still active? There are a number of possible issues here.
Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
one of the sucky things about Windows Installer is that the source file has to be accessible to all users. fortunately this can be remedied.

check out the SOURCELIST property in the SDK.
Posted by: usachrisk 19 years ago
Purple Belt
Reaching the MSI Installer: Yes. I can even point it right at the .msi (data1.msi for Office, for example) and it doesn't take (exact error pending, but I'm sure you know the one - like it's not what it's looking for). No changes in permissions and no DFS shares.

To clarify, we're talking all the apps bomb at once --- anything on the system that used Windows Installer all dies at the same time. Mainly, Microsoft Office (installed via Network Share), Norton Antivirus (on the image, installed from CD), and Visual Messenger (installed via Network Share).
Posted by: usachrisk 19 years ago
Purple Belt
one of the sucky things about Windows Installer is that the source file has to be accessible to all users. fortunately this can be remedied.

check out the SOURCELIST property in the SDK.

I don't think I'm just looking at a source file issue -- we have these every now and again, we repoint at the original MSI and it goes. We've never have every app die at once, and we've never had it reject the original MSI file.
Posted by: cdupuis 19 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Did you check the event logs to see if there were any automatic updates applied? Maybe someone decided to deploy MSI version 3 to these machines?
Posted by: usachrisk 19 years ago
Purple Belt
Did you check the event logs to see if there were any automatic updates applied? Maybe someone decided to deploy MSI version 3 to these machines?
Automatic updates turned off, checked version of msiexec.exe, it is 2.0.2600.2. Looked in event log, there is one of these listed for every application installed using the Windows Installer, all within seconds of each other.

"Detection of product '{00010409-78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7}', feature 'PhotoEditorFiles' failed during request for component '{CC29EA3B-7BC2-11D1-A921-00A0C91E2AA2}'"

Did you check the event logs to see if there were any automatic updates applied? Maybe someone decided to deploy MSI version 3 to these machines?
Posted by: cdupuis 19 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Any AutomaticUpdates or NTServicePack messages in either application or system that coincide with the problem starting.
Posted by: usachrisk 19 years ago
Purple Belt
Any AutomaticUpdates or NTServicePack messages in either application or system that coincide with the problem starting.

On the broken machine I've been testing with, the first Windows Installer error occured 1/20/2005 at 8:57am (logon). Prior to that in the Application log, we have no such events. The last MSI-type event before this time is 1/12/2005 at 9:34am, which is "Product: Accelrys IVY 1.5 -- Installation operation completed successfully." Just to note, no other users use this application, so it's not this app.

In the system log, the last non-service starting/stopping message we have before the problem started is "No Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller is available for domain <our domain name>. The following error occurred: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request --- and then a whole bunch of print errors. This is all on 1/15/2005.
Posted by: adaptability 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Hi All,

Does msi 3.0 support version appl scripted for Msi 2.0???????[/Did you check the event logs to see if there were any automatic updates applied? Maybe someone decided to deploy MSI version 3 to these machines? ]
Posted by: Nikolas 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Some damn files busted


Not sure if this has any relevance but as this is happening to all machines rather than individual packages have you compared these areas on a fualty machine with a good one.

Presuming you are using AD GPO's to deploy your apps.

C:\Windows\Installer chk what MSI's have been cached and the permissions on the folder and files. Open the MSI's to see what they are as they will be renamed. Apparently v forces a refresh of the cached MSI. in reinstallmode.

HKCU\SW\MS\Windows\CurrentVersion\GP\AppMgmt (User based apps)
HKLM\SW\MS\Windows\CurrentVersion\GP\AppMgmt (Machine based apps)

These hold a list of all the apps installed on the PC and the GPO that installed them. Are these the same on a faulty and non-faulty PC?

Cheers and good luck
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