
Alternate to "Pause" function?

Hello all,

I am using Wise Script to make wrappers for deployment. I am running into issues like if I were to run multiple .msi's within the wrapper, it seems like it doesn't wait for one install and jumps to the other one or the step after that. So far I have been using "Pause" function to control this behavior, but would like to know if someone has an another suggestion. If so please point me right to it.

Please accept my thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

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Answers (10)

Posted by: mahendraKumar 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
hi ,

When you run any install or command in wise script using " execute a program " .
please check if you have checked the checkbox "Wait for Program to Exit" .
Posted by: 786_ak 13 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Hey MahendraKumar,

That is there and the script keeps on jumping to the next command before finishing the first one. Once again "Pause" function does help, but I am looking for alternatives, just like the title says.

Best Regards
Posted by: kardock 13 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
i bet the setup launched is calling some other executable file and quits. i saw that behavior often enough.
Posted by: 786_ak 13 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Well, first of all it doesn't quit. Setup is not launching any other executable file either.

Okay, let me see if I can revisit the question here a little more clearly, I might be confusing people here.

I have a wise wrapper which is running multiple command line to execute different functions. Such as, clean up the previous version clean up the previous entries from any directories it exists. Then go ahead and install the actuall .msi and then trying to do two more thing. Problem is that I have to put some "pause" time to it in order for it to actually make sure it does all that, otherwise it doesn't wait to finish for (let's say the the 3rd command) to clean the c:\Program files\ABC or run the batch file to clean that and jumps to the forth command. This is where I have to put the "Pause" in there for it to actually make sure it runs the command or run the batch file to clean that and then move to next one instead of just going to next one. Now again the question is, does wise offer any other alternative to "Pause" function?

Sorry if my question caused any confusion.

Posted by: kardock 13 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
see post #2 and make sure the option to wait is checked
Posted by: 786_ak 13 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
See post #3......[:)]
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
I have never bothered with WiseScript, but I know that it can access Windows APIs so why not use that capability to find the set-up process's handle and then wait for that process to end? And no, I can't help with the code for that but I'm pretty sure I saw a fragment on Symantec Connect.
Posted by: icbrkr 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Sometimes in WiseScript I've noticed the 'pause' feature causes some sort of weirdness in which all processes halt that are launched in the background instead of just the script pausing while waiting for the set amount of time to pass. To get around that, I've called up sleep.exe available from various sources. When I call up an external pause feature it seems to function properly in those cases.
Posted by: pratikpawar 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
VBscript might help for this problem :)
Posted by: 786_ak 13 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Ok, so VBscript is the best answer thus far.

Case Closed.

Thank you all

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