ampagent 10.1.43 cannot connect to K1000 running 10.2.234
Having a run of bad luck. I upgraded the K1000 server to 10.2.234 and I noticed some weird behavior. the devices in Inventory started having crazy check in times like "-163197 seconds ago" instead of "2 days, 3 hours".
timestamps appeared in the future.
the K1000 itself was showing erratic time on its clock. I could not manulaly set the time on the K1000, which is a hyper-V VM.
I had to point the server to a NTP server on my network.
scripts wouldn't run.
agents wouldn't update once I started deploying agent 10.2.108. If I manually updated the agent, they would talk to the K1000, but otherwise no chance.
apparently if I uninstall the old agent (10.1.43) or manually upgrade to 10.2.108, I get control back.
any suggestions of how to minimize the pain? is there a hot fix maybe? I opened a ticket with support but they have not helped.