
App repairing every time I launch it

Ok, this is odd. I'm trying to add a single registry key to Acrobat Reader 6.0.1. I tried adding it locally to my machine, and now everytime I launch the app repairs. The changed setting stays in place, but it repairs anytime.

I figure the existing MSI doesn't like me adding key to it, so I create a transform for the msi, adding the desired reg key. I install the msi manually, applying the transform, and I still get the same result when I lauch.

So then I edit the MSI i install with, adding the desired reg key. Installed the app with no transforms, AND IT STILL REPAIRS WHEN I LAUNCH...

What am I missing here? I've created probably 200 transforms in the past & haven't had this problem.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: MSIPackager 19 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt
Have you validated your MSI and checked the event log for errors?
Posted by: Bladerun 19 years ago
Green Belt
I enabled logging and couldn't find anything obvious.

I did however stumble across the problem and subsiquently the solution when googling. The key I was trying to add was iBrowserIntegration to enable pdfs to open solely in acrobat rather than through IE. In researching I discovered iBrowserCheck. Apparently in most cases when you just set the first reg key, acrobat prompts the user about the new way pdfs will open to ask them if that's ok. iBrowserCheck is the reg key that contains that confirmation. For whatever reason, I received no such prompts, but when I added the second reg key it worked.
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